Listen To The Wondrous Story Jesus Left – Hymn Lyric

Discover the captivating story of Jesus leaving His heavenly throne in this wondrous hymn. Experience the love and sacrifice that changed the world forever. Listen now to this incredible tale.

Listen To The Wondrous Story Jesus Left – Hymn Lyric

Listen to the wondrous story of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who left His heavenly throne to come down to earth and Himself for us. This incredible act of love and grace showcases His immense love for humanity. Delve into the meaning behind this beautiful hymn and allow it to transform your life.


Listen To The Wondrous Story Jesus Left – Hymn Lyric

Listen to the wondrous story.
Jesus left His throne on high;
He, the Lord of life and glory,
Came to dwell on earth and die.

Prophets thro’ the long past ages,
From Creation’s early dawn,
Christ foretold in pages,
Shadowing forth a glorious morn.

Like a vein of metal golden,
Through the Holy books it ran;
First obscured in language olden,
Then a promise clear to man.

“Unto us a child is given,”
Formed like us in mortal mould;
Sinless as the hosts of heaven,
Jesus, Shepherd of the fold.

Seraphs on high adore Him
In the crystal paven street;
Cast their glittering crowns before Him
At the blessed Saviour’s feet.

He has closed hell’s yawning portals,
Opening wide the gates of heaven;
He has won for sinful mortals
Peace, the peace of the forgiven.



Meaning of Listen To The Wondrous Story Jesus Left

Listen to the wondrous story of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who left His heavenly throne to come down to earth and sacrifice Himself for us. This incredible act of love and grace is like no other. Let us delve into the of this beautiful hymn and explore the meaning behind its timeless verses.

The hymn starts by painting a vivid picture of Jesus leaving His glorious throne in heaven to dwell among us on earth. Imagine the majesty and power He left behind, willingly setting aside His divine status to become one of us. This act alone showcases His immense love for humanity.

Throughout history, prophets had foretold the arrival of Christ. Even from the very beginning of Creation, the sacred pages of scripture pointed towards a glorious dawn when Jesus would inevitably come. The hymn compares this anticipation to a vein of golden metal running through the Holy books, gradually becoming clearer and clearer until it became a promise too to ignore.

And what a promise it was! “Unto us a child is given,” the scriptures proclaimed, a child who would be like us in every way. Jesus took on mortal form, experiencing the same joys and pains, the same struggles and triumphs that we do. Yet, unlike us, He remained sinless, standing as a shining example of righteousness and for all humanity.

In the heavenly realms, the seraphs, bright and radiant, adore Him in the streets paved with crystal. These angelic beings, in all their splendor, cast their crowns of glory before the blessed ‘s feet. Their worship is a testament to His unmatched greatness and perfection. Even the angels recognize the magnitude of His sacrifice and its significance for all mankind.

Jesus’s arrival on earth was not just for adoration and praise from heavenly beings. He came with a purpose – to close the yawning portals of hell and open wide the gates of heaven. Through His death and resurrection, He conquered and death, securing a pathway to eternal life for all who believe in Him. This is the peace, the peace of the forgiven, that He won for us.

As we sing “Amen” at the end of this hymn, let it be a resounding affirmation of our faith and for what Jesus has done. We listen to this wondrous story with awe and humility, fully aware of the tremendous sacrifice He made so that we may experience true peace and redemption.

So let us listen, not merely with our ears, but with our hearts and minds as well. Let us embrace this story of Jesus leaving His heavenly throne, for it is a story that speaks to the very essence of our existence. It is a story that reminds us of our worth, our potential, and the boundless love our Creator has for us.

May we never tire of hearing this wondrous story, for it is in these words, these melodies, that we find hope, comfort, and the assurance that we are never alone. Jesus left His throne, but He is always present in our lives, guiding us, comforting us, and leading us towards a life of purpose and fulfillment.

So as we sing this hymn, let us truly listen and allow the message to resonate within us. Let us carry this story in our hearts, sharing it with others so that they too may experience the wonder and joy that comes from knowing Jesus, the Shepherd of the fold.

In conclusion, remember that this hymn is not just a collection of words set to music. It is a declaration of love, a testament to the extraordinary sacrifice Jesus made for us. So, my dear friends, listen to the wondrous story of Jesus leaving His heavenly throne and let it transform your life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the captivating story of Jesus leaving His heavenly throne in this wondrous hymn. Experience the love and sacrifice that changed the world forever. Listen now to this incredible tale.


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