Lord Jesus Christ Thou Hast Prepared A Feast – Hymn Lyric

Discover the invitation to find rest and forgiveness in "Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ Thou Hast Prepared A Feast – Hymn Lyric

In “ Jesus Christ, Thou Hast Prepared A Feast,” we are invited to find rest and forgiveness in the body and blood of Christ. This feast, prepared by our Savior, offers solace and comfort to weary souls burdened by sin. Through faith, we can trust in His love and grace, embracing the truth of His presence and finding assurance of His forgiveness.


Lord Jesus Christ Thou Hast Prepared A Feast – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ,
You have prepared this feast
For our ;
It is Your body and Your blood,
And at Your invitation,
As weary souls, with sin oppressed,
We come to You for needed rest,
For comfort, and for pardon.

Although You did to Heav’n ascend,
Where angel hosts are dwelling,
And in Your presence they behold
Your , all excelling,
And though Your people shall not see
Your glory and Your majesty
Till dawns the judgment .

Yet, Savior, You are not confined
To any habitation;
But You are present even now
Here with Your congregation.
Firm as a rock this truth shall stand,
Unmoved by any daring hand
Or subtle craft and cunning.

We eat this bread and drink this cup,
Your precious Word believing,
That Your true body and Your blood
Our lips are here receiving.
This word remains forever true,
All things are possible with You,
For You are Lord Almighty.

Though reason cannot understand,
Yet faith this truth embraces;
Your body, Lord, is even now
At once in many places.
I leave to You how this can be;
Your Word alone suffices me;
I trust its truth unfailing.

Lord, I believe what You have said;
Help me when doubts assail me.
Remember that I am but dust,
And let my faith not fail me.
Your Supper in this vale of tears
Refreshes me and stills my fears
And is my priceless treasure.

Grant that we worthily receive
Your Supper, Lord, our Savior,
And, truly grieving o’er our sins,
May prove by our behavior
That we are thankful for Your grace
And day by day may run our race,
In holiness increasing.

For Your consoling supper, Lord,
Be praised throughout all ages!
Preserve it, for in ev’ry place
The world against it rages.
Grant that this sacrament may be
A blessed comfort unto me
When and when dying.


Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ Thou Hast Prepared A Feast

Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Hast Prepared A Feast: An Invitation to Find Rest and Forgiveness

In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, it is comforting to know that there is a place where weary souls can find solace and rest. Through the “Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Hast Prepared A Feast,” we are reminded of the invitation extended to us by our Savior, who offers us His body and blood as a source of comfort, pardon, and salvation.

As the hymn begins, we are reminded that this feast, prepared by our Lord, is intended for our salvation. It is not simply a physical meal, but a spiritual nourishment that our souls desperately need. In a world where we often feel burdened by sin and the weight of our mistakes, this feast offers us a chance to find rest and forgiveness. We are invited to partake in the body and blood of Christ, trusting in His promise of cleansing and redemption.

The hymn acknowledges that even though Jesus has ascended to , where angelic hosts behold His glory, He is not confined to a specific location. He is present with His congregation, offering His love and grace. This truth is unshakable, unable to be influenced or swayed by anyone or anything. It is a firm foundation upon which we can build our faith.

In a world driven by reason and logic, the concept of Christ’s true body and blood being present in the bread and wine can be difficult to understand. However, the hymn encourages us to embrace this truth through faith. It acknowledges that our human minds may struggle to comprehend it, but that faith allows us to trust in the power and presence of Jesus.

The hymn acknowledges our doubts and uncertainties, reminding us that we are but dust. We are flawed and imperfect, prone to questioning and wavering in our beliefs. Yet, in the midst of our doubts, we are called to remember the words of Jesus and seek His help in times of uncertainty. We are reminded to humbly acknowledge our limitations and rely on His strength and guidance.

The Supper of the Lord, as described in the hymn, brings refreshment and peace to our weary souls. In a world filled with fear and anxieties, this sacrament offers us a priceless treasure: a taste of God’s grace and a reminder of His faithfulness. It is a solemn and holy moment where we are invited to come as we are, with all our flaws and failures, and find assurance of His love and forgiveness.

The hymn encourages us to approach the Supper with reverence and , recognizing the weight of our sins and the immeasurable grace extended to us. It calls us to live lives of holiness, continually to grow in our faith and reflect the love of Christ. It is through our actions and behavior that we show our thankfulness for His grace.

The hymn concludes with a plea for the preservation of this sacrament amidst a world that may oppose it. It recognizes the forces that may stand against the Supper of the Lord, but it also affirms the power and importance of this sacred gathering. It is a plea for the sacrament to be a blessed comfort to all who partake, both in life and in death.

In conclusion, “Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Hast Prepared A Feast” reminds us of the invitation extended to us by our Savior. It is an invitation to find rest, forgiveness, and comfort in the body and blood of Christ. It is a reminder that Jesus is present with His congregation, offering His love and grace. It calls us to embrace this truth through faith, even in the face of doubts and uncertainties. The hymn encourages us to approach the Supper with reverence and gratitude, living lives that reflect our thankfulness for His grace. May this sacrament to be a source of solace and strength as we navigate through the challenges of life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the invitation to find rest and forgiveness in Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Hast Prepared A Feast. Trust in His presence, embrace faith, and experience the priceless treasure of His grace.


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