Lord Jesus Christ Thy Precious Blood – Hymn Lyric

Experience the incredible gift of Jesus' precious blood! Find forgiveness

Lord Jesus Christ Thy Precious Blood – Hymn Lyric

The precious blood of Jesus Christ is like a perfect cure for our sins, cleansing us and making us pure. His blood covers us in righteousness, allowing us to stand forgiven before God and enter heaven. With Jesus as our support and guide, we can trust in His blood to give us strength and from fear.


Lord Jesus Christ Thy Precious Blood – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ!
Thy precious blood
Is to my the highest good:
Of all my sins a perfect cure,
It quickens me and makes me pure.

Thy blood, my spotless glorious dress,
Thy , my righteousness:
Before my God I stand,
And enter, crowned, the heav’nly land.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Son of God!
My Throne of Grace, my Staff and Rod!
Thy precious blood, Thy quick’ning power
My strengthen every hour.

Let me not draw my dying breath
In fear of Satan, , and ;
O Christ! let this my comfort be:
Thy blood from sin hath made me !


Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ Thy Precious Blood

Have you ever thought about the incredible gift of Jesus’ precious blood? It’s like a perfect cure for all our sins, washing us clean and making us pure. His blood is like a beautiful dress, covering us in His righteousness so we can stand forgiven before God and enter into heaven.

Jesus, the Son of God, is like a throne of grace for us, always there to support and guide us. His precious blood gives us strength and power, helping us through every moment of every day. We never have to fear Satan, hell, or death because Jesus’ blood has set us free from sin.

Isn’t it amazing to think about how much Jesus loves us? He sacrificed His own life so that we could be saved and have eternal life with Him. We can trust in His blood to forgive us, protect us, and give us hope for the future. Let’s hold onto the precious gift of Jesus’ blood and live each day in gratitude for His amazing grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the incredible gift of Jesus' precious blood! Find forgiveness, purity, and strength in His sacrifice. Trust in His love for eternal life.


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