Lord Jesus Christ We Come To Thee – Hymn Lyric

Find guidance and peace in Jesus Christ as we come to Him with childlike faith. Reflect on His love and purity in "Lord Jesus Christ We Come To Thee" hymn.

Lord Jesus Christ We Come To Thee – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Christ We Come To Thee” explores the themes of finding guidance and peace in childlike . This hymn encourages us to trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, seeking His teachings and resting in His will. By approaching our faith with the and trust of a child, we can lay a strong foundation in Jesus Christ and continuously deepen our relationship with Him.


Lord Jesus Christ We Come To Thee – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ,
we come to Thee,
For that hast deign’d on earth to be
A pious and a loving child,
Whom never nor guilt defiled.

We ask but one thing for our lot,
O Lord, deny children not,–
Teach us to rest upon Thy will,
And take Thee for our Pattern still.

Oh put Thy Spirit in our breast,
Help us to learn with childlike rest,
That we may lay the one true ground,
And in Thee be found.


Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ We Come To Thee

Lord Jesus Christ We Come To Thee: Finding Guidance and Peace in Childlike Faith

In this hymn, we are reminded of the love and purity that surrounded Jesus during His time on earth as a child. Despite facing the challenges that come with being human, Jesus remained sinless and served as a perfect example for all of us. As we reflect on these verses, we can find comfort and guidance in our own lives.

As children of God, we seek to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and live a life that aligns with His teachings. The hymn begins by acknowledging that we come to Jesus, recognizing Him as our Lord and Savior. We acknowledge His and the significance of His incarnation. It is through His willingness to become a child that we find hope and inspiration.

The hymn then talks about our desires and aspirations as children of God. We ask for one thing – that the Lord does not deny us to learn from His ways. We long to understand His will and embrace His teachings. Just as a child looks up to their parents for guidance, we turn to Jesus to lead us on the right path. Our hearts are open, and we humbly ask Him to teach us to rest in His will.

Resting in Jesus’ will might seem like a foreign concept, especially in a that values control and self-reliance. However, this hymn reminds us of the beauty and peace that come when we our plans to God. Just as a child fully trusts their parents, we too can our trust in Jesus. We can find comfort in knowing that He will guide us with love and wisdom.

The third verse of the hymn focuses on the importance of having a childlike faith. Jesus encourages us to have faith like a child, for it is in that simplicity and trust that we find true understanding. A child learns with eagerness and curiosity, free from the doubts and worries that often plague adults. By calling on the Lord to put His Spirit in our hearts, we ask for the help and guidance needed to approach our faith with childlike rest.

To lay the one true ground refers to establishing a firm foundation in Jesus. We strive to build our lives and beliefs on His teachings, understanding that the strength of our faith lies in our connection to Him. Just as a house needs a strong and stable foundation, our spiritual lives flourish when we anchor ourselves in Jesus Christ.

Moreover, this hymn encourages us to seek Jesus not just momentarily, but to evermore be found in Him. It reminds us that finding Jesus is an ongoing process. We continuously strive to deepen our relationship with the Lord, recognizing that He offers us peace, love, and guidance.

So, how do we apply these beautiful sentiments to our daily lives? Firstly, we must approach Jesus with an open heart and a willingness to learn. Like a child eagerly absorbs knowledge, we too should approach our faith with curiosity and eagerness. As we read the Scriptures, listen to sermons, and engage in prayer, let us do so with childlike rest, trusting in the Lord’s guidance.

Additionally, we can seek to emulate Jesus’ qualities in our interactions with others. As children of God, we should strive to demonstrate love, kindness, and forgiveness, just as Jesus did during His time on earth. By doing so, we reflect His light and serve as a testament to His teachings.

In conclusion, “Lord Jesus Christ We Come To Thee” is a hymn that speaks to the deep desires of our hearts – to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and find guidance in His teachings. It reminds us of the innocence and trust of a child and the peace that comes from resting in Jesus’ will. As we learn to approach our faith with childlike rest, we lay the one true ground and find our foundation in Jesus Christ. May we continue to seek Him in all that we do and evermore be found in His loving embrace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find guidance and peace in Jesus Christ as we come to Him with childlike faith. Reflect on His love and purity in Lord Jesus Christ We Come To Thee hymn.


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