Lord Jesus Christ We Seek Thy Face – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Glory and Blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ's Presence. Seek His Face and be filled with His love

Lord Jesus Christ We Seek Thy Face – Hymn Lyric

Jesus We Seek Face In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the deep desire within our hearts to seek the face of our Lord Jesus Christ. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of bowing before Him, longing for His glory to fill our lives and bless us as we wait on Him. Seeking the face of Jesus involves a genuine desire to know Him more intimately, seeking His guidance and wisdom, and experiencing abundant blessings in His presence. Let us continue to seek His face, drawing near with open hearts and minds, ready to receive His transformative blessings.


Lord Jesus Christ We Seek Thy Face – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ, we seek Thy face;
Within the veil we bow the knee.
O let Thy glory fill the place!
And bless us while we wait on Thee.

We thank Thee for the precious blood
That purged our and brought us nigh;
All cleansed and sanctified to God,
Thy holy name to magnify.

Shut in with Thee far, far, above
The restless world that below;
We seek to learn and prove Thy ,
Thy wisdom and Thy grace to know.

The brow that once with thorns was bound,
Thy hands, Thy side, we fain would see;
Draw near, Lord Jesus, glory crowned,
And bless us while we wait on Thee.


Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ We Seek Thy Face

Lord Jesus Christ, We Seek Thy Face: Exploring the Glory and Blessing of His Presence

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the deep desire within our hearts to seek the face of our Lord Jesus Christ. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of bowing before Him, longing for His glory to fill our lives and bless us as we wait on Him.

The first verse begins with a heartfelt plea to Jesus, acknowledging our need for His presence. We recognize that it is within the veil, in the holy presence of our Savior, where transformation and blessings take place. We kneel down, humbling ourselves before Him, as we seek His face.

As the hymn continues, our overflows as we reflect on the precious blood of Jesus that cleansed us from our sins and brought us closer to God. Through His sacrifice, we have been purified, sanctified, and made acceptable before the Father. In response to His great love and , we desire to magnify His holy name.

The second stanza takes us on a journey of elevation, both physically and spiritually. We are “shut in” with Christ, rising “far, far above” the restless wars of the world below. In this place of solace and sanctuary, we yearn to deepen our understanding of His love, wisdom, and grace. Our hearts long to bask in the presence of the One who can bring true peace and tranquility amidst the chaos of .

The hymn draws us nearer to the physical suffering and sacrifice Jesus endured for our sake. It references the crown of thorns upon His brow, His wounded hands, and side. We express our deep desire to see and experience these marks of His love firsthand. We long for Jesus, now gloriously crowned in heaven, to draw near to us and bless us abundantly as we continue to wait upon Him.

These lyrics beautifully capture our human longing for intimacy with Christ. It is a longing that is not only present within us as individuals but also as a collective body of believers. As we together in worship, we unite in our pursuit of Jesus’ face, collectively seeking His presence and desiring His blessings.

Seeking the face of Jesus involves a genuine desire to know Him more intimately. It goes beyond a superficial understanding of who He is and delves into a deep, personal relationship. We yearn to understand His character, His heart, and His desires for our lives. Through this pursuit, we grow in our love for Him and become more like Him.

When we seek the face of Jesus, we are also seeking His guidance and wisdom. We acknowledge our limited understanding and our need for His divine direction. As we wait on Him, we open our hearts and minds to hear His voice, to discern His will, and to follow His leading. In His presence, we find clarity, peace, and the strength to navigate life’s challenges.

The blessings that come from seeking the face of Jesus are abundant. In His presence, we find comfort, healing, and restoration. We experience the joy of being known and loved by the Creator of the universe. His peace permeates our lives, calming our fears and anxieties. In Him, we find purpose and meaning beyond what the world can offer.

So, let us continue to seek the face of our Lord Jesus Christ, just as the hymn implores. Let us draw near to Him with open hearts and minds, ready to receive the blessings and transformation that only He can bring. May His glory fill our lives, and may we magnify His holy name through our thoughts, words, and actions.

As we wait upon Him, let us remember that it is in His presence that we find true fulfillment and abundant life. Let us remain steadfast in our pursuit of His face, knowing that as we seek Him, He will faithfully draw near to us and bless us richly.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Glory and Blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ's Presence. Seek His Face and be filled with His love, wisdom, and grace. Waiting on Him brings transformation and abundant blessings.


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