Lord Jesus, God And Man – Hymn Lyric

Immerse in the divine love of Lord Jesus

Lord Jesus, God And Man – Hymn Lyric

**Embracing Our Humanity Through Divine Love:** In the poem “ , God and Man,” we are reminded of the divine love embodied in ‘s human form. As we reflect on our journey, we are called to nurture childlike hearts, simplify our faith, seek with saints, and find joy in living. Let us embrace our humanity with grace and acceptance, walking the path of divine love with faith, hope, and joy.


Lord Jesus, God And Man – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus, God and Man,
For love of man a Child,
The very God, yet born on earth
Of undefiled.

Lord Jesus, God and Man,
In this our day
To Thee for precious gifts of grace
Thy ransomed people pray.

We pray for childlike hearts,
For gentle, holy love,
For strength to do Thy will below
As angels do above.

We pray for simple faith,
For hope that never fails,
For true communion
With all Thy blessed saints.

On friends around us here
O let Thy blessing fall;
We pray for grace to love them well,
But Thee beyond them all.

O joy to live for Thee!
O joy in Thee to die!
O very joy of joys to see
Thy face eternally!

Lord Jesus, God and Man,
We Thee and adore,
Who art with God the Father One,
And Spirit evermore.


Meaning of Lord Jesus, God And Man

### Embracing Our Humanity Through Divine Love

Today, let us embark on a journey together—a journey that delves deep into our innermost selves, guided by the gentle, loving light of the divine. We will explore the facets of our human existence with a spirit of introspection, nurturing a more compassionate view of ourselves, and fostering a deeper connection with the world around us.

The verses we reflect upon speak of Lord Jesus, both as God and Man, embodying divine love through His birth on Earth. This profound mystery of the divine becoming human invites us into a sacred dance with our vulnerabilities and strengths, encouraging us to embrace our humanity with grace and acceptance.

The Childlike Heart:

We pray for “childlike hearts”—a return to simplicity, innocence, and openness. In a world that often demands more from us than we can give, a childlike heart can be our sanctuary. This heart does not shy away from expressing needs or showing joy and wonder at the simple beauties of life.

How often do we cloak our true selves in layers of protection, fearing judgment or rejection? Let us peel back these layers and allow our genuine, childlike nature to shine forth. In doing so, we align ourselves more closely with the divine love that Jesus exemplified. Such a heart, full of gentle, holy love, has the strength to do His will here on Earth, much like the angels do above.

Simplicity of Faith:

In our quest, we seek “simple faith” and “hope that never fails.” These are not just virtues but anchors in the turbulence of life. Simple faith does not mean a lack of questioning but a trust so profound that it remains unshaken even amidst doubts.

Hope fuels our spirits, lifting us when we falter. It is hope that connects us to a future where divine love prevails, even when the present seems daunting. Let us nurture a faith that is pure, not burdened by complex doctrines, but filled with trust and love.

Communion with the Saints:

We yearn for “true communion evermore with all Thy blessed saints.” This signifies a longing for a deeper connection not only with the heavenly but with each other. In recognizing the divine within ourselves and others, we foster communities rooted in love and understanding.

To have such deep, spiritual communion, we must start by nurturing our relationships here on Earth. The blessing that falls on “friends around us here” is a call to love them well, to see beyond their imperfections, and connect with the divine spark within them. This extends our love beyond mere acquaintanceship into the realm of spiritual kinship.

Joyful Living and Eternal Hope:

“O joy to live for Thee! O joy in Thee to die!” These lines remind us of the profound joy that comes from living a life aligned with divine purpose. This joy is not fleeting; it transcends the ordinary and touches the eternal.

Living for the divine means embracing our humanness fully—our joys, our sorrows, our strengths, and our weaknesses. It means allowing ourselves to be vessels of divine love, sharing this love generously with others. And when it is time to pass from this world, this joy transitions into an eternal union with the divine, where we see His face endlessly.

In closing, our reflection draws us into a deeper understanding of our human journey—one that is tender, vulnerable, and yet immensely powerful when aligned with divine love. Let us embrace our humanity, love ourselves and others deeply, and walk this path with a heart full of faith, hope, and joy.

May you find in these words a mirror to your own sacred journey. May your heart open wider to the love that awaits within and beyond you.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Immerse in the divine love of Lord Jesus, both God and Man. Embrace your humanity with grace and faith. Reflect on childlike hearts, simplicity of faith, and communion with the saints. Find joy in living for Him and eternal hope. Join us in this journey of divine love and human connection.


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