Love Is The Sweetest Bud – Hymn Lyric

Experience the beauty of love

Love Is The Sweetest Bud – Hymn Lyric

Is The Sweetest is a beautiful that compares love to a fragrant that blooms on earth and in heaven. Just like a flower, love comes in many forms, colors, and scents, but its essence is pure, glowing, and eternal. As we cultivate love in our hearts and share it with others, we are planting the seeds for a garden of love to grow and flourish, both in this world and in the realms.


Love Is The Sweetest Bud – Hymn Lyric

Love is the sweetest bud that blows,
Its beauty never dies;
On earth among the saints it grows,
And ripens in the .

Pure, glowing red, and spotless white.
Its perfect colors are;
In Jesus all its sweets unite
And look divinely fair.

The finest flower that ever blowed
Opened on Calv’ry’s tree
When Jesus’ blood in rivers flowed
For love of worthless me.

Its deepest hue, its richest smell,
No mortal sense can bear;
Nor can the tongue of angels tell
How bright the colors are.

Earth could not hold so rich a flower,
Nor half its beauties show;
Nor could the world and Satan’s power
Confine its sweets below.

On heaven’s bank supremely fair
This flower of wonder blooms–
Transplanted to its native air–
And all the shore perfumes.

But not to heaven’s shore confined;
The seeds from which it grows,
Take root within the human mind,
And scent the church below.

And soon on yonder banks above
Shall every blossom here
Appear a full ripe flower of love.
Like him transplanted there.


Meaning of Love Is The Sweetest Bud

Love is the sweetest bud that blooms, filling the air with its beautiful fragrance. Just like a flower, love comes in many different colors and forms, but its essence remains the same – pure, glowing, and eternal.

When we think of love, we often think of the love we have for our family and friends, the love that surrounds us every day. But there is a love that goes beyond our earthly bonds, a love that is and everlasting.

In the hymn, it speaks of how love is like a flower that bloomed on Calvary’s tree, where Jesus’ blood was shed for each and every one of us. This love is so pure and perfect, its colors and scent beyond what mortal senses can comprehend.

This love is not confined to the earth, but transcends into the heavens above, where it blooms in all its glory. And yet, it is not only found in the heavenly realms, but also takes root in the human , spreading its fragrance throughout the world.

As we cultivate love in our hearts and share it with others, we are planting the seeds for a garden of love to grow. And just as a flower blooms and flourishes, so too will our love blossom and flourish, both on earth and in the heavenly realms.

Let us water the seeds of love within us, nurture them with kindness and compassion, and watch as they grow into full ripe of love. And just as these flowers are transplanted to the shores of heaven, so too will our love be transplanted to a place where it can bloom forevermore.

So let us strive to cultivate love in all that we do, spreading its beauty and fragrance wherever we go. For truly, love is the sweetest bud that blooms, filling our hearts with joy and our with peace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the beauty of love, the sweetest bud that blooms with eternal fragrance. Discover the divine love that transcends earthly bonds and flourishes in heavenly realms. Cultivate love in your heart and watch it blossom into eternal flowers of compassion and kindness.


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