Love Of God IS Greater Far – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Incomprehensible Love of God - His love transcends all boundaries and surpasses human understanding. Reflect on the depth and breadth of His love with "Love Of God IS Greater Far." Find solace in His everlasting love and seek redemption from your sins. Allow His love to transform your life and inspire gratitude and praise. Discover the immeasurable and infinite love of God through this powerful hymn.

Love Of God IS Greater Far – Hymn Lyric

The of God: Exploring its Unfathomable Depth “Love Of God IS Greater ” is a thought-provoking that highlights the incomprehensible nature of God’s love. It emphasizes that His love surpasses any human understanding or expression, reaching beyond the boundaries of the highest star and the lowest hell. The hymn also emphasizes the enduring and redeeming power of God’s love, showcasing its ability to reconcile and forgive.


Love Of God IS Greater Far – Hymn Lyric

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Meaning of Love Of God IS Greater Far

The Love of God: An Unfathomable Depth

The hymn “Love Of God IS Greater Far” beautifully captures the incomprehensible nature of God’s love. It reminds us that His love surpasses any human understanding or expression. Throughout the verses, we are presented with the overwhelming extent to which God’s love reaches, its enduring nature, and its ability to redeem and reconcile.

In the first verse, we are told that the love of God is so vast that it goes far beyond what any human can put into words. It transcends the highest star in the sky and reaches even the depths of the lowest hell. The message here is clear – there is no place too high or too low for God’s love to reach. It is all-encompassing and universal, available to anyone who seeks it.

The hymn then mentions the story of the guilty pair, referring to Adam and Eve in the Garden of . When entered the world, God did not abandon humanity. Instead, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to win back His people. This displays the depth of God’s love. Despite our faults and shortcomings, He willingly sacrificed His Son to save us and reconcile us to Himself. The image of an erring child being pardoned by a parent evokes a powerful understanding of and grace.

We then delve into the , which emphasizes the richness and purity of God’s love. It is described as measureless and strong. These words imply that God’s love knows no bounds or limits. It cannot be quantified or weakened by any external forces. It is an everlasting love that stands the test of time. This affirmation of God’s love resonates with believers and prompts praise from saints and alike – a song that continues in perpetuity.

As the hymn progresses, it explores the concept of time passing away and earthly kingdoms crumbling. No matter what happens in the temporal world, the love of God remains constant and unchanging. Even those who refuse to pray in the present moment will one day call upon Him in desperation. The love of God endures beyond earthly circumstances and provides and redemption for all.

The hymn culminates with a powerful image of the vastness of God’s love. It suggests that if we were to attempt to write about the love of God, there would not be enough ink in the ocean or enough parchment in the skies to contain it. Even if every person on earth became a skilled writer, they would still fall short of capturing the entirety of God’s love. This notion leaves us in awe of the magnitude of His love. It is a love that is limitless and boundless, extending from the heavens to the ends of the earth.

In conclusion, the hymn “Love Of God IS Greater Far” offers a profound exploration of the depth and expanse of God’s love. It showcases His love as surpassing human understanding, enduring through time and adversity, and filling every corner of creation. It serves as a reminder of the immeasurable and infinite love that God has for His creation. Whether we are believers or seekers, this hymn invites us to reflect on the enormity of God’s love and to respond with gratitude, praise, and a desire to experience His love more fully.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Incomprehensible Love of God - His love transcends all boundaries and surpasses human understanding. Reflect on the depth and breadth of His love with Love Of God IS Greater Far. Find solace in His everlasting love and seek redemption from your sins. Allow His love to transform your life and inspire gratitude and praise. Discover the immeasurable and infinite love of God through this powerful hymn.


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