Love Of God So Great And Holy – Hymn Lyric

Experience the love of God

Love Of God So Great And Holy – Hymn Lyric

The titled “Love of God So Great and Holy” beautifully captures the vastness and purity of God’s love. It reminds us of His willingness to dwell within us, despite our flaws and sins. This love is so remarkable that it surpasses our understanding, and it has the power to transform our lives.


Love Of God So Great And Holy – Hymn Lyric

Love of God, so great and holy,
Grace of God, so full and ,
Templed in a Child so lowly,
Canst Thou come and dwell in me?

Sin has held a long dominion,
Darkened thought, debased ,
Fettered will, corrupted conscience,
Worshipped with unholy fire.

I am all defiled and guilty;
Yet Thy temple, Lord, would be!
Stronger than the strong man enter;
Bind my foe; deliver me.

Love of God, so great and holy,
Grace of Christ, so full and free,
While I kneel, Thy child and lowly,
Make Thy promise good in me.


Meaning of Love Of God So Great And Holy

The love of God is truly remarkable. It is so great and so holy that it surpasses our understanding. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of God’s love and grace, reminding us of His willingness to dwell within us despite our flaws and sins.

In the first verse, the hymn describes the love of God as being “templed in a Child so lowly.” This refers to Jesus Christ, who was into this as a humble child. It is through His , death, and resurrection that we are able to experience the fullness of God’s love and grace. The hymn asks, “Canst Thou come and dwell in me?” This question expresses a longing to have the love of God abide in our hearts and lives.

The hymn goes on to acknowledge the power of sin in our lives. It recognizes that sin has held a long dominion over us, leading to darkened thoughts, debased desires, and corrupted consciences. We have worshipped with unholy fire, straying from God’s perfect plan for our lives. Despite our defilement and guilt, the hymn expresses a desire for God’s temple to be within us. It acknowledges that God’s strength is greater than any stronghold of sin and asks Him to bind our enemy and deliver us from its grip.

The second verse reiterates the greatness of God’s love and the fullness of His grace. It acknowledges our lowliness as His children and invites Him to make His promises come true in our lives. This verse recognizes that as we kneel before God, humbling ourselves in His presence, He is faithful and will fulfill His promises in us. It shows a willingness to submit to God’s love and grace, allowing Him to work in and through us.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we cannot help but be in awe of the love of God. It is a love that defies all human understanding. It is a love that pardons our sins, cleanses our hearts, and transforms our lives. It is a love that is freely given, not based on our merit or worthiness.

In a world full of conditional love and fleeting affections, the love of God stands as an unwavering force. It does not discriminate or withhold itself from anyone who seeks it. It is a love that reaches out to the broken, the lost, and the sinful. It is a love that invites us to come as we are, knowing that in His love and grace, we can find true and redemption.

The title of this hymn, “Love of God So Great and Holy,” beautifully encapsulates the core message of the song. It emphasizes the vastness of God’s love and the purity of His holiness. As we encounter this love, it compels us to respond by humbling ourselves before Him, acknowledging our for His and allowing Him to dwell within us.

In conclusion, the love of God is indeed great and holy. It is a love that transcends all boundaries and extends to every person. It is a love that is willing to dwell within us, despite our shortcomings and failures. Let us open our hearts to this amazing love and grace, allowing it to transform us from the inside out. May we always remember the words of this hymn and carry them in our hearts, reminding us of the love of God that surpasses all understanding.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the love of God, so great and holy, that surpasses all understanding. His grace is full and free. Open your heart and let Him dwell within you. Transform your life with His love.


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