Man Has A Soul Of Vast Desires – Hymn Lyric

Experience true fulfillment by understanding the insatiable nature of human desires. Find lasting satisfaction beyond material possessions. Seek joy and contentment by aligning desires with core values and embracing a sense of purpose.

Man Has A Soul Of Vast Desires – Hymn Lyric

Man Has A Soul Of Vast Desires In this , the poet explores the insatiable nature of human desires and the futility of seeking fulfillment in worldly pleasures. It urges us to transcend shallow pursuits and find lasting satisfaction through self-reflection, aligning our desires with core values, and embracing a sense of purpose beyond ourselves. By understanding the nature of our desires and seeking fulfillment in meaningful ways, we can find true and contentment.


Man Has A Soul Of Vast Desires – Hymn Lyric

Man has a soul of vast desires;
He burns within with restless fires.
Tost to and fro, his passions fly
From vanity to vanity.

In vain on earth we hope to find
Some solid good to fill the mind;
We try new pleasures, but we feel
The inward thirst and torment still.

So, when a raging fever burns,
We shift from side to side by turns;
And ’tis a relief we gain,
To change the place, but keep the pain.

Great God! subdue this vicious thirst,
This to vanity and dust;
Cure the vile fever of the mind,
And feed our soul with joys refin’d.


Meaning of Man Has A Soul Of Vast Desires

Man Has A Soul Of Vast Desires: Finding True Fulfillment

In this hymn, the poet beautifully describes the insatiable nature of human desires. It highlights how we often search for fulfillment in worldly pleasures, only to be left feeling empty and restless. The hymn also acknowledges that just as shifting positions while suffering from a fever doesn’t alleviate the pain, merely changing our pursuits without addressing the root cause of our discontentment won’t bring lasting satisfaction.

As 7th graders, we may not have fully experienced the depth of these emotions yet, but it is essential to understand these concepts as they will shape the way we approach . We may be tempted to chase after every new trend or pleasure, that they will bring us happiness. However, this hymn reminds us that true fulfillment comes from a deeper place, something more profound than earthly desires and material possessions.

The first verse illustrates the restlessness within the human . It describes how our passions and desires tend to shift from one thing to another, never finding a lasting home. Just like a fever that torments us, our desires can have a similar effect on our minds, leaving us in a state of perpetual and dissatisfaction.

But amidst this struggle, the hymn pleads to a Power, asking for divine intervention. It implores for our thirst for vanity and superficial pleasures to be cured and replaced with something more meaningful. The hymn recognizes that true satisfaction can only be found in transcendent joys, ones that go beyond the surface of this world.

As we reflect on these verses, we can start to consider what it means to have a soul of vast desires and how we can seek fulfillment in a meaningful way. We should remember that our longings for happiness and contentment are not inherently bad; they are part of what makes us human. However, the hymn teaches us that we need to channel these desires towards something more substantial and enduring.

One aspect that the hymn emphasizes is the need to move away from a love for vanity and dust. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages about superficial beauty, popularity, and material possessions, it can be easy to fall into the trap of seeking fulfillment in these fleeting things. But this hymn encourages us to rise above such pursuits and instead focus on pursuing more enriching and lasting sources of joy.

So, how can we go about finding this deeper sense of fulfillment? It starts with understanding ourselves and our values. We need to identify what truly matters to us beyond the surface level. Is it nurturing meaningful relationships, pursuing personal growth, making a positive impact in our communities, or developing our talents and passions? By aligning our desires with these core values, we can move closer to a more fulfilling life.

Another crucial aspect of finding true fulfillment is through self-reflection. Taking the time to understand our own strengths, weaknesses, and unique qualities enables us to make choices that are in line with who we truly are. When we have a strong sense of self, it becomes easier to resist the temptation of chasing after external validations and to focus on what truly brings us joy and fulfillment from within.

Additionally, finding true fulfillment often involves looking beyond ourselves and embracing a sense of purpose. When we seek opportunities to contribute to something greater than ourselves, whether it’s through acts of kindness, volunteering, or supporting causes we believe in, we tap into a sense of fulfillment that cannot be achieved through self-centered pursuits alone.

Ultimately, the hymn teaches us that true fulfillment is not found in the ever-changing desires of this world. It reminds us that we have the power to seek joy and contentment in more meaningful, lasting ways. By channeling our desires towards higher ideals, understanding our own values and strengths, and embracing a sense of purpose, we can begin to find the fulfillment we seek.

So, let us strive to nurture our vast desires and direct them towards what truly matters – towards the things that ignite our and bring us true joy and satisfaction. Let us remember that we are capable of finding fulfillment beyond the superficial and the temporary. May we seek inner peace and contentment, always aspiring to live a life that is rich in purpose and meaning.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience true fulfillment by understanding the insatiable nature of human desires. Find lasting satisfaction beyond material possessions. Seek joy and contentment by aligning desires with core values and embracing a sense of purpose.


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