May I Be Wise Some Soul To Win – Hymn Lyric

May I Be Wise Some Soul To Win: Living a Life of Purpose and Influence. This heartfelt hymn expresses a deep desire to lead others away from sin and reflect God's love. Discover how to live a life of purpose and influence

May I Be Wise Some Soul To Win – Hymn Lyric

“May I Be Wise Some Soul To Win” is a heartfelt hymn that expresses a deep desire to lead others away from and towards God’s ways. It reminds us to live a life of purpose and influence, reflecting God’s love through our actions. By seeking wisdom, walking in His ways, and allowing our hearts to be by grace, we can positively impact those around us and draw them closer to God.


May I Be Wise Some Soul To Win – Hymn Lyric

May I be wise some soul to win,
Who else might tread the paths of sin,
Teach me to walk in all Thy ways,
O help me Lord, to live Thy .

To live Thy praise my aim shall be,
That those around Thy love may see,
O help me Lord thro’ all my days
To live Thy praise, to live Thy praise.

A heart renew’d by grace ,
Where Thou dost dwell may this be mine,
That God’s dear love to all displays,
O help me Lord, to live Thy praise.

To live Thy praise my aim shall be,
That those around Thy love may see,
O help me Lord thro’ all my days
To live Thy praise, to live Thy praise.

May ev’ry word Thy goodness show
While here I walk on earth below,
If or bright shall be my days,
O help me Lord, to live Thy praise.

To live Thy praise my aim shall be,
That those around Thy love may see,
O help me Lord thro’ all my days
To live Thy praise, to live Thy praise.


Meaning of May I Be Wise Some Soul To Win

May I Be Wise Some Soul To Win: Living a Life of Purpose and Influence

In this heartfelt hymn, the songwriter expresses a deep desire to live a life of purpose and influence. The verse beautifully captures the longing to lead others away from the paths of sin and towards the ways of God. With each word, the songwriter yearns for divine guidance and the ability to reflect God’s love to those around them.

Living a life of purpose is something we can all strive for, regardless of our age or background. It is about making intentional choices and taking actions that align with our values and beliefs. When we live a life of purpose, we have a clear direction and focus, and we can positively impact the world around us.

The hymn’s chorus emphasizes the importance of living in a that others can witness the love of God through our actions. By consistently showing God’s love in our lives, we can inspire and encourage those around us to seek a deeper relationship with Him. Our goal should be to live in such a way that our lives become a testament to the goodness of God, so that others may be drawn to His love and grace.

To live a life of purpose and influence, we must first seek God’s wisdom. The hymn asks for God’s guidance in becoming wise enough to help lead others away from sinful paths. This highlights the importance of seeking God’s wisdom through , studying His word, and seeking guidance from wise mentors or spiritual leaders.

Seeking wisdom also entails walking in God’s ways. It is about aligning our actions and choices with His teachings and principles. This means treating others with , being honest and trustworthy, and showing compassion to those in need. It means forgiving others and being quick to extend grace, just as God has shown us grace. When others see us living out these values and principles, they will be drawn to the love we are living and reflecting.

Living a life of purpose and influence also requires a heart renewed by God’s grace. This refers to the transformation that takes within us when we accept and embrace God’s love and forgiveness. As we allow God to dwell within our hearts, His love will naturally overflow into our interactions with others. This is where true change happens – from the inside out. When our hearts are aligned with God’s, our words and actions will reflect His love and goodness.

The hymn also acknowledges the ups and downs of life, recognizing that our days may be filled with or brightness. During both the good times and the difficult times, the hymn reminds us to live out God’s praise. This means that regardless of our circumstances, we can choose to trust in God’s faithfulness and seek His guidance. It is in these moments that our faith shines the brightest, and others can witness the unwavering hope and trust we have in our heavenly Father.

In conclusion, “May I Be Wise Some Soul To Win” is a heartfelt hymn that beautifully encapsulates the desire to live a life of purpose and influence. It reminds us to seek God’s wisdom, walk in His ways, and allow our hearts to be renewed by His grace. By living out God’s praise in our daily lives, we can inspire and lead others towards a deeper relationship with Him. May we all strive to live lives of purpose, so that others may see the love of God reflected in everything we do.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image May I Be Wise Some Soul To Win: Living a Life of Purpose and Influence. This heartfelt hymn expresses a deep desire to lead others away from sin and reflect God's love. Discover how to live a life of purpose and influence, seeking God's wisdom and renewing your heart with His grace.


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