My Dear Master Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

Experience the deep love and grace of Jesus Christ in the beautiful hymn "My Dear Master Jesus Christ." Find peace

My Dear Master Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “My Dear Master Jesus Christ” reminds us of the deep love and grace that our Savior, Jesus Christ, has for us. It speaks of finding peace and blessings in His embrace, knowing that His sacrifice on the cross has redeemed us and granted us eternal life. Let’s reflect on His great love and make Him the center of our lives, praising Him always for His mercy and salvation.


My Dear Master Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

My dear Master Jesus Christ,
For Peace to thee I fly;
In thee , I am blest
To all :

from Care, and Sin, and ,
I rest in my dear Bridegroom’s Love;
Ever living in that Life,
Which Jesus lives Above.

O! the Heights of Jesu’s Grace,
Which I so richly view,
Saviour, in thy lov’d Embrace
Are Blessings ever new:

Blessings, constant as the Day,
Flows from that wounded Heart of thine;
All the force of Words can’t say
How glorious, how divine.

Lost in Wonder, I adore
The mighty Prince of Life;
Him to praise for evermore,
Be now my only Strife:

That might not frown on me,
Nor doom my soul to Banishment,
He upon the shameful Tree
To suffer was content.

Patient he the Cross endur’d
Did all the Shame despise,
Well he knew and was assur’d,
This bloody Sacrifice:

Should his Children all complete
In spotless Truth and Purity;
This the Joy before him set
When he engag’d to die.

Here my Sin and Curse was drown’d,
here obtain’d;
Here the Peace, once lost, and found,
And Life eternal gain’d:

Dead upon the Cross, in him,
Atonement for my Sin I see,
Weeping from each lifeless Limb,
For Enemies, for me.


Meaning of My Dear Master Jesus Christ

My dear friends, let’s take a moment to reflect on the beautiful hymn “My Dear Master Jesus Christ.” This hymn reminds us of the deep and everlasting love that our Savior, Jesus Christ, has for each and every one of us. It speaks of finding peace in His embrace and being for all eternity.

As we sing these words, let’s think about the incredible grace and love that Jesus shows us every day. He is always there for us, free from care, sin, and strife. In His love, we can find rest and comfort, knowing that we are forever cherished by our Bridegroom above.

The hymn also speaks of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. He endured unimaginable pain and shame so that we could be redeemed and receive the gift of eternal life. His love is constant, flowing from His wounded heart, showering us with blessings that are as glorious and divine as He is.

When we think about all that Jesus has done for us, how He willingly suffered for our sins, we can’t help but be filled with awe and gratitude. He is truly the mighty Prince of Life, worthy of all our praise and adoration. Let’s make it our life’s mission to praise Him forevermore, to make Him the center of our lives.

In Jesus, we find hope, peace, and salvation. Through His sacrifice on the cross, our sins are washed , and we are made new in His righteousness. We are no longer , but instead, we have been given the precious gift of life eternal.

Let’s remember this hymn, let its words sink deep into our hearts. Let’s carry the message of Jesus’ love and sacrifice with us always, sharing it with others and living our lives in a way that reflects His grace and mercy. And let’s never forget to thank our dear Master Jesus Christ for all that He has done for us.

So, my dear friends, let’s continue to sing praises to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Let’s live each day in His love and grace, knowing that we are forever blessed and cherished by the one who everything for us. Amen.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the deep love and grace of Jesus Christ in the beautiful hymn My Dear Master Jesus Christ. Find peace, blessings, and eternal life in His embrace. Praise the mighty Prince of Life!


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