My Gracious Redeemer I Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience overwhelming love and gratitude with "My Gracious Redeemer I Love" hymn. Join in praising Jesus for his boundless joy and eternal presence. Find peace and joy in His love.

My Gracious Redeemer I Love – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with love and gratitude for someone in your life? That’s exactly how the writer of the hymn “My Gracious I Love” feels about their relationship with Jesus. The lyrics express a deep connection to their Savior and a desire to share His love and praises with the world. Imagine being so filled with joy and awe that all you want to do is and shout about the amazing things Jesus has done for you. That’s the feeling behind this hymn – a sense of overwhelming love and that is just bursting to be shared.


My Gracious Redeemer I Love – Hymn Lyric

My Gracious Redeemer I Love,
His praises aloud I’ll proclaim,
And join with the armies above,
To shout His adorable name;
To gaze on His glories divine
Shall be my eternal employ,
And feel them incessantly shine,
My , ineffable joy.

He freely redeemed with His
My soul from the confines of hell,
To live on the smiles of my God,
And in His sweet presence to dwell;
To shine with the angels of light,
With saints and with seraphs to sing;
To view with eternal
My Jesus, my Savior, my King.

O when shall my spirit exchange
This cell of corruptible clay
For mansions celestial, and range
Through realms of ineffable day?
Oh, when wilt bid me ascend,
To join in thy praises above,
To gaze on , world without end,
And feast on thy ravishing love?

Nor sorrow, nor sickness, nor pain,
Nor sin, nor temptation, nor fear,
Shall ever molest me again
Perfection of glory reigns there
This soul and this body shall shine
In robes of salvation and praise,
And banquet on pleasures divine,
Where God His full beauty displays.


Meaning of My Gracious Redeemer I Love

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with love and gratitude for someone in your life? That’s exactly how the writer of the hymn “My Gracious Redeemer I Love” feels about their relationship with Jesus. The lyrics express a deep connection to their Savior and a desire to share His love and praises with the world.

Imagine being so filled with joy and awe that all you want to do is sing and shout about the amazing things Jesus has done for you. That’s the feeling behind this hymn – a sense of overwhelming love and devotion that is just bursting to be shared.

The writer describes how Jesus has redeemed their soul, freeing them from darkness and despair. They long to be in His presence, surrounded by light and angels, singing praises for all eternity. It’s a vision of and perfection, where all pain and suffering are washed away by the glory of God.

Do you ever daydream about a life without sorrow or fear, where you are surrounded by love and beauty? That’s the vision painted in this hymn, a where only joy and perfection reign. It’s a powerful reminder of the hope and comfort that faith in Jesus can bring.

As you read through the verses of this hymn, let yourself be swept away by the beauty of the words and the promise of a perfect future. Imagine a world where you are truly at peace, basking in the love of your Savior. It’s a powerful image that can bring comfort and hope in even the darkest of times.

So take a moment to reflect on the love of your Gracious Redeemer. Let His praises fill your heart and lift your spirits. And remember, no matter what challenges you may face, the promise of eternal joy and peace in His presence is always there for you. Embrace that love, share that joy, and let your heart sing out with gratitude for the amazing gift of salvation.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience overwhelming love and gratitude with My Gracious Redeemer I Love hymn. Join in praising Jesus for his boundless joy and eternal presence. Find peace and joy in His love.


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