My Savior How Thy Soul Was Awed – Hymn Lyric
“My Savior How Thy Soul Was Awed” is a hymn that takes us on a journey to the moment when Jesus hung on the cross, enduring pain and abandonment. Through its powerful verses, the hymn invites us to reflect on forsakenness, faithlessness, compassion, and triumph. It reminds us of the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice and the hope that it brings to our lives.
Table of Contents
My Savior How Thy Soul Was Awed – Hymn Lyric
My Savior, how Thy soul was awed,
When, hanging on the tree,
Thou criedst aloud, “My God, my God,”
Hast Thou forsaken Me?
When angry foes around Thee strove,
And faithless friends forsook;
And earth below, and Heaven above,
Wore one dark threatening look.
Beneath Thy cross, Lord, let me lie,
Thy bleeding love to view;
And weep, and watch, and pray that I
May n’er those wounds renew.
Beneath Thy cross O let me lie,
And mark what Thou hast won,
And hear Thy last triumphant cry,
“‘Tis done! The work is done!”
Lord, let my soul that triumph share;
I look to Thee to save.
Where is thy sting, O death? and where
Thy victory, O grave?
Meaning of My Savior How Thy Soul Was Awed
My Savior How Thy Soul Was Awed: Reflecting on Jesus’ Sacrifice on the Cross
In the hymn “My Savior How Thy Soul Was Awed,” the powerful words and imagery take us back to the moment when Jesus Christ hung on the cross, enduring unimaginable pain and abandonment. This hymn invites us to contemplate the depths of His sacrifice and the significance it holds for us. As we delve into the verses of this hymn, let us explore the themes of forsakenness, faithlessness, compassion, and ultimate triumph, drawing upon the eternal lessons it carries.
Verse 1 – Forsakenness and Faithlessness:
The hymn opens with a poignant realization of Jesus’ desolation on the cross. As our Savior cried out, “My God, my God, Hast Thou forsaken Me?,” we are confronted with the weight of His suffering and abandonment. In this moment, angry foes surrounded Him while faithless friends deserted Him. The scene depicted here is one of overwhelming darkness and despair, as if the entire world conspired against Jesus. It is a humbling reminder of the immense sacrifice He made for humanity despite such adversity.
Verse 2 – Witnessing Redemption:
As we continue our reflection, we are drawn to the idea of taking solace beneath the cross. The lyrics express a desire to lie there, in the presence of Jesus’ bleeding love, to weep, watch, and pray. This imagery suggests a willingness to bear witness to His agony and to fully comprehend the extent of His sacrifice. By doing so, we hope to avoid inflicting those same wounds upon ourselves through sin and instead embrace the redemptive power His crucifixion offers.
Verse 3 – The Triumph of Jesus:
Within the hymn’s verses, we find a shift in tone from sorrow to triumph. It speaks of marking what Jesus has won and hearing His final triumphant cry, “‘Tis done! The work is done!” This triumphant cry signifies the completion of Jesus’ mission on Earth, the accomplishment of salvation for all humanity. Through His suffering and fulfillment of God’s plan, Jesus conquered even death itself, leaving us with the assurance that no grave can claim victory over our souls.
Verse 4 – Sharing in Christ’s Triumph:
In the final verse, the hymn brings the focus onto the individual believer. It implores the Lord to allow our souls to share in His triumph and emphasizes our reliance on Jesus for salvation. The stanza poses powerful questions, “Where is thy sting, O death? and where Thy victory, O grave?,” highlighting the victory that Jesus achieved over death through His resurrection. It reminds us that, through Him, we can find eternal life and be liberated from the fear of death and the grave.
“My Savior How Thy Soul Was Awed” takes us on a profound journey through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It paints a vivid picture of forsakenness and faithlessness, unveiling the depth of His sacrifice. The hymn encourages us to approach the foot of the cross, to witness His suffering and to understand its significance. It ultimately leads us to the triumph of Jesus, reminding us of His victorious cry that pierced the heavens. As we reflect on this hymn, our hearts are filled with gratitude, awe, and a renewed sense of hope that is found in the redeeming work of our Savior on the cross.
In conclusion, “My Savior How Thy Soul Was Awed” serves as a reminder of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice, inspiring us to embrace His love, seek forgiveness, and share in His triumph over death. May these timeless words continue to resonate within our souls and guide us towards a deeper understanding of God’s incredible grace and unending love.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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