My Soul Inspired With Sacred Love Gods Holy Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the overwhelming love and blessings as my soul is inspired by God's holy name. Experience the forgiveness

My Soul Inspired With Sacred Love Gods Holy Name – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “My Inspired With Sacred Love: God’s Holy Name,” the author expresses their deep love and gratitude for God. They are filled with an overwhelming devotion and His holy name for all eternity. They acknowledge God’s forgiveness, , and protection, and are grateful for His unending love and mercy.


My Soul Inspired With Sacred Love Gods Holy Name – Hymn Lyric

My soul, inspired with sacred love,
God’s holy Name for ever bless;
Of all His favours mindful prove,
And still Thy grateful thanks express.

‘Tis He that all thy sins forgives,
And after sickness makes sound;
From danger He thy life retrieves,
By Him with grace and mercy crown’d.

The Lord abounds with tender love
And unexampled acts of grace;
His waken’d wrath doth slowly move,
His mercy flies apace.

God will not always harshly chide,
But with His anger quickly part;
And loves His punishment to guide
More by His love than our desert.

As far as ’tis from east to west,
So far has he our sins removed;
Who, with a father’s tender breast,
Has such as fear Him always loved.


Meaning of My Soul Inspired With Sacred Love Gods Holy Name

My Soul Inspired With Sacred Love: God’s Holy Name

In the depths of my soul, I am filled with an overwhelming feeling of love and devotion towards God. I cannot help but bless His holy name for all eternity. His countless blessings and favors showered upon me never go unnoticed, and I am forever grateful. It is through His intervention that all my sins are forgiven and my body is restored after bouts of sickness.

Whenever danger lurks and threatens my life, it is God who comes to my rescue, pulling me out of harm’s way with His grace and mercy. His love knows no bounds, and His acts of kindness towards me are unparalleled. Even when His wrath is stirred, it slowly subsides in the wake of His infinite mercy. He is quick to forgive and guide our punishment with love, rather than purely based on our actions.

God’s love knows no limits; it stretches from the east to the west, encompassing all our sins and removing them entirely. Like a tenderhearted father, He embraces those who fear and reverence Him. His love is unwavering, and He takes immense in showering His devoted children with His endless love and compassion.

The power of God’s holy name is truly magical. It fills my with joy and reverence, knowing that He is always by my side. Whenever life seems overwhelming, I find solace in uttering His name and seeking His guidance. It is a source of strength and comfort that never fails me.

In moments of doubt and uncertainty, I remind myself of the power of God’s holy name. It is a reminder that no matter how tough the journey may be, I am never alone. He is there, guiding me every step of the way. His name holds immense power, capable of dispelling darkness and light into our lives.

God’s holy name is not a mere collection of letters or sounds. It is a representation of His divine nature and all that He stands for. It carries within it the essence of love, forgiveness, and grace. Uttering His name is an act of and surrender, acknowledging His authority and sovereignty in our lives.

As I reflect on the wonders of God’s holy name, I am reminded of the importance of expressing gratitude for His blessings. It is through gratitude that we acknowledge His presence and recognize His hand in our lives. Expressing thanks to God is not only a way to honor and praise Him, but it also fills our hearts with joy and contentment.

Let us, therefore, take a moment to pause and give thanks. Let us count our blessings and express our gratitude for the countless favors God has bestowed upon us. In doing so, we not only strengthen our bond with Him but also invite more blessings into our lives.

In conclusion, the hymn “My Soul Inspired With Sacred Love: God’s Holy Name” encapsulates the profound love and gratitude I feel in my soul towards God. His love knows no bounds, and His mercy is ever-present. May we always cherish His holy name and express our gratitude for His countless blessings.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the overwhelming love and blessings as my soul is inspired by God's holy name. Experience the forgiveness, grace, and mercy that brings light to our lives. Express gratitude and embrace the power of His name for eternal blessings. My Soul Inspired With Sacred Love: God's Holy Name.


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