My Soul No More Shall Strive In Vain – Hymn Lyric

Discover true purpose and satisfaction in serving the Lord. Break free from the chains of the world and sin. Find joy in His service. Embrace His teachings and let your example inspire others. Trust in God's strength for fulfillment.

My Soul No More Shall Strive In Vain – Hymn Lyric

Feeling like your efforts are in vain? This hymn offers hope, urging us to break from the demands of the and sin. By serving the Lord with all our heart and embracing His teachings, we find a satisfaction and fulfillment that surpasses anything else. Let us rely on ‘s strength and guidance as we shine our example for others to see and join in this divine labor.


My Soul No More Shall Strive In Vain – Hymn Lyric

My soul no more shall strive in vain, slave to the world, and slave to sin!
A nobler toil I will sustain, a nobler satisfaction win.

I will resolve, with all my heart, with all my powers, to serve the Lord;
Nor from His precepts e’er depart, whose service is a rich reward.

O, be His service all my joy! Around let my example shine,
Till others love the blest employ, and join in labors so divine.

O, may I never faint nor tire, nor, wandering, leave His sacred ways;
Great God! accept my soul’s desire, and give me strength to live Thy praise.


Meaning of My Soul No More Shall Strive In Vain

“My Soul No More Shall Strive In Vain”: Finding Purpose and Satisfaction in Serving the Lord

Have you ever felt like you were working so hard, but it seemed like all your efforts were in vain? Maybe you felt like a slave, not to anything physical, but to the overwhelming demands of the world and the temptations of sin. It can be a tough place to be in, constantly striving for something more, something meaningful. But fear not, for there is a way out of this struggle, a way to find a nobler purpose and satisfaction.

In the hymn “My Soul No More Shall Strive In Vain,” the poet expresses a deep longing to break free from the chains of the world and sin. They resolve, with all their heart and all their powers, to serve the Lord. And in this resolution, they find a rich reward, a satisfaction that surpasses anything the world could offer.

But what does it to serve the Lord? It goes beyond just following His precepts, though that is certainly important. Serving the Lord means finding joy in His service, allowing our example to shine brightly so that others may be inspired to join in this divine labor. It’s not about simply through the motions, but about truly embracing and out the teachings of the Lord.

Imagine waking up every day with a heart filled with joy, knowing that you have a purpose and that your actions are making a positive impact on the world. That’s the kind of satisfaction that serving the Lord can bring. It’s not about striving for personal gain or recognition, but about finding fulfillment in in His ways.

Now, you might be wondering, how do I avoid becoming faint or tired in this journey? How do I stay on the right path and not wander from His sacred ways? Well, the first step is to recognize that you can’t do it alone. You need the strength and guidance of the Lord. In the hymn, the poet calls out to the great God, asking Him to accept their soul’s desire and provide them with the strength to live His praise.

This reliance on God’s strength is crucial. We are human, and as humans, we are prone to falter and stumble. But when we lean on God, when we surrender our own strength and allow Him to work through us, we become unstoppable. He becomes our steadfast companion, guiding us through the challenges and giving us the strength to persevere.

And as we continue on this journey of serving the Lord, our example will shine brightly for others to see. They will see the joy and purpose in our lives and be inspired to join in this divine labor. Imagine the impact we can have on the world when more and more people embrace the teachings of the Lord and dedicate their lives to His service. It’s a beautiful vision, a vision that is worth striving for.

So, my friends, let us no longer strive in vain. Let us break free from the chains of the world and the temptations of sin. Let us resolve, with all our heart and all our powers, to serve the Lord. May His service be our joy, and may our example shine brightly for others to see. And most importantly, let us rely on God’s strength and guidance, for it is in Him that we find the satisfaction and fulfillment our truly desire.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover true purpose and satisfaction in serving the Lord. Break free from the chains of the world and sin. Find joy in His service. Embrace His teachings and let your example inspire others. Trust in God's strength for fulfillment.


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