No Rod Of Vengeance Jesus Takes – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Healing Power of Jesus

No Rod Of Vengeance Jesus Takes – Hymn Lyric

“No Rod Of Vengeance Jesus Takes: The Healing Power of Our Savior” is a beautiful hymn that highlights the incredible healing abilities of Jesus. Unlike Moses, Jesus does not take a rod of vengeance but instead comes to save and restore. Through His powerful word, Jesus opens blind eyes, restores strength to the weak, and even commands the winds and waves, showcasing His authority and compassion. Let us turn to Jesus in our times of need and find solace in His loving presence.


No Rod Of Vengeance Jesus Takes – Hymn Lyric

No rod of vengeance Jesus takes
Like that which Moses bore;
His peaceful scepter shows He came
To save and to restore.

Laden with woes the sons of men
To this Physician fly:
He lends an ear to their complaints
And looks with pitying eye.

The powerful word He speaks, and lo!
The eyes long closed in
Lift up their lids, with sweet surprise,
To hail the joyous light.

New life the withered cripple feels
Diffused through every part:
His couch and crutch he now forgets,
And leaps like any hart.

A word the deaf restores; the dumb
With ease their tongues employ;
Amazed, and pleased at their own ,
They sing and shout for joy.

Behold, at once the lepers cleansed,
Touched by the Savior’s hand:
Palsy, and fever, and each plague
Depart at His command.

The winds and waves, midst all their rage,
His powerful voice obey:
Devils His awful presence flee,
Nor dare they longer stay.

Repeat, my soul, these wondrous acts,
And all His honors spread:
Tell how His voice unbarred the tomb,
And waked the silent dead.

Jesus, my Savior and my Lord,
How Thy glories !
Thy works all praise exceed, and
Thy character divine.


Meaning of No Rod Of Vengeance Jesus Takes

No Rod Of Vengeance Jesus Takes: The Healing Power of Our Savior

In this beautiful hymn, we learn about the incredible healing powers of Jesus, our Savior. Unlike Moses, who wielded a rod of vengeance, Jesus came to save and restore. He is the ultimate Physician, always ready to listen to our complaints and look upon us with pitying eyes.

Imagine this: the sons of men, burdened with woes, turn to Jesus for relief. And miraculously, through his powerful word, their closed eyes open, allowing them to bask in the joyous light. The withered cripple, feeling new life coursing through his veins, forgets his couch and crutch and leaps with the grace of a hart.

Not only can Jesus open blind eyes and restore strength to the weak, but he can also restore speech to the mute. Those who were once unable to express themselves can now sing and shout for joy, amazed and pleased by the sound of their own voice. And the lepers, touched by the Savior’s hand, are cleansed of their . Even the most daunting plagues, like palsy and fever, depart at His mere command.

Jesus’ power extends beyond the human realm. The winds and waves, even in their fiercest rage, obey His powerful voice. And even demons, in His awe-inspiring presence, flee in fear and dare not linger any longer. Such is the power and authority that Jesus possesses.

Let us take a moment to marvel at these wondrous acts, recounting them and spreading the word of His honors. His voice unbars the tomb and awakens the silent dead, showing us the extent of His divine character. Jesus, our Savior and Lord, brightly with glories that surpass all praise.

No rod of vengeance does Jesus take, for He came to heal and save. His peaceful scepter is a symbol of his compassion and grace. We can all find solace and hope in knowing that Jesus is always ready to listen, to heal, and to restore.

So, let us turn to Him in our times of need, with hearts full of and hopeful anticipation. Just as the blind, the lame, the deaf, and the mute found healing and joy in His presence, we too can find comfort in His arms. He offers us the chance to experience a life abundant, to leave behind our burdens and leap forward in His .

As we sing this hymn and reflect on its words, let our souls be uplifted and filled with gratitude for the incredible healing power of our Savior. May His light guide us through darkness, His touch bring us comfort, and His word inspire us to share His love with all those around us.

Indeed, no rod of vengeance does Jesus take, but instead, He extends His hand in mercy and compassion. Let us hold on to this truth and carry it with us always, for it is a reminder of the boundless love and healing power that awaits us in the arms of our Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the Healing Power of Jesus, Our Savior. Unlike Moses, Jesus wields no rod of vengeance but offers compassion and grace. Find solace in His ability to heal, restore, and save. Turn to Him in times of need and experience the abundant life He offers. Spread His love and celebrate His wondrous acts. No rod of vengeance does Jesus take.


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