Now, In A Song Of Grateful Praise – Hymn Lyric
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Now, In A Song Of Grateful Praise – Hymn Lyric
Now, in a song of grateful praise,
To my dear Lord my voice I’ll raise;
With all His saints I’ll join to tell
My Jesus has done all things well.
Dear Jesus is the One I love,
Oh, bless His Name! He died for me;
His blood now cleanses me from sin,
Dear Jesus now He sets me free.
All worlds His glorious power confess,
His wisdom all His works express;
But oh! His love what tongue can tell?
My Jesus has done all things well.
How sovereign, powerful and free
Has been His love to sinful me!
He plucked me from the jaws of hell
My Jesus has done all things well.
Meaning of Now, In A Song Of Grateful Praise
Now, In A Song Of Grateful Praise: Reflecting on the Love and Goodness of Jesus
In this heartfelt hymn, we are invited to join in a chorus of gratitude and praise for our dear Lord, Jesus Christ. As we sing these words, we are reminded of His all-encompassing love and the incredible things He has done for us.
The hymn begins with the declaration, “Now, in a song of grateful praise, to my dear Lord my voice I’ll raise.” This sets the tone for the rest of the song, as we are encouraged to lift our voices and hearts in thanksgiving for all that Jesus has done. It highlights the importance of expressing our gratitude to Him, not only in our thoughts but also through song.
The lyrics go on to proclaim, “With all His saints I’ll join to tellmy Jesus has done all things well.” This recognition of Jesus’ perfection and excellence in all He does is a powerful affirmation of His divine nature. It reminds us that we can trust in His sovereignty and take comfort in the knowledge that He is always working for our good.
As we delve deeper into the hymn, we encounter the line, “Dear Jesus is the One I love, Oh, bless His Name! He died for me.” Here, we are reminded of the ultimate act of love that Jesus demonstrated on the cross. His selfless sacrifice signifies His immense affection for each one of us. Through His death, He offers us the opportunity for forgiveness and redemption, cleansing us from our sins.
The hymn continues, stating, “His blood now cleanses me from sin, dear Jesus now He sets me free.” These words encapsulate the transformative power of Jesus’ sacrifice. His blood symbolizes His mercy and grace, which wash away our sins and free us from the burden of guilt and shame. It is through His sacrifice that we find true freedom and salvation.
We are then presented with a beautiful reflection on Jesus’ glorious power, expressed through His wisdom and works. The lyrics proclaim, “All worlds His glorious power confess, His wisdom all His works express.” This emphasizes that Jesus is not only a loving Savior but also a mighty creator. His power and wisdom are evident in every aspect of creation, from the vastness of the universe to the intricate details of our lives.
But perhaps the most awe-inspiring aspect of Jesus is His love. The hymn recognizes this, declaring, “But oh! His love, what tongue can tell? My Jesus has done all things well.” Here, we are confronted with the sheer magnitude of Jesus’ love for us. It is a love that surpasses human understanding and defies explanation. It is a love that knows no bounds, a love that has the power to heal, restore, and redeem.
As the hymn nears its conclusion, it highlights the personal nature of Jesus’ love. The lyrics state, “How sovereign, powerful, and free has been His love to sinful me! He plucked me from the jaws of hellmy Jesus has done all things well.” These words convey the intimate connection between Jesus and the individual believer. Despite our flaws and shortcomings, Jesus’ love for us remains steadfast. He extends His saving grace to each one of us, rescuing us from the clutches of sin and offering us eternal life.
In conclusion, “Now, In A Song Of Grateful Praise” is a hymn that beautifully encapsulates the love and goodness of Jesus Christ. Through its lyrics, we are reminded to lift our voices in gratitude for all that He has done. We reflect on His sacrificial death, His cleansing blood, and His mighty power. But above all, we celebrate and marvel at His incomprehensible love. So let us join together in singing this hymn, for in doing so, we honor Jesus and proclaim that indeed, He has done all things well.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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