Now Rests Her Soul In Jesus Arms – Hymn Lyric

"Find comfort and peace in the beautiful homecoming of a loved one as their soul rests in Jesus' arms. Discover the hope and joy that transcends death and find solace in the presence of our Savior."

Now Rests Her Soul In Jesus Arms – Hymn Lyric

“Now Rests Her in ‘ Arms: A Beautiful Homecoming” speaks of the hope and joy found in the embrace of Jesus even in the face of death. This hymn reminds us that death is not the end, but a glorious beginning where our souls find eternal rest and comfort in the presence of our Savior. Let us hold onto this hope as we navigate through life, knowing that one day we will experience the same beautiful homecoming.


Now Rests Her Soul In Jesus Arms – Hymn Lyric

Now rests her soul in Jesu’s arms,
Her body in the grave sleeps well,
His heart her death-chilled heart re-warms,
And rest more deep than tongue can tell.

Her few brief hours of conflict passed,-
She finds with Christ, her Friend, at last;
She bathes in tranquil seas of peace,
God wipes away her tears, she feels
New life that all her languor heals,
The glory of the Lamb she sees.

She hath escaped all danger now,
Her pain and sighing all are fled;
The crown of joy is on her brow,
Eternal glories o’er her shed.

In golden robes, a queen, a ,
She standeth at her Sovereign’s side,
She sees His face unveiled and bright;
With joy and He greets her soul,
She feels herself made inly whole,
A lesser light amid His light.

The child hath now its Father seen,
And feels what kindling love may be,
And knoweth what those words may mean,
“Himself, the Father, loveth thee.”

A shoreless ocean, an abyss
Unfathomed, filled with good and bliss,
Now breaks on her enraptured sight;
She sees God’s face, she learneth there
What this shall be, to be His heir,
Joint-heir with Christ, her Lord, in light.

The body rests, its labours over,
And sleeps till Christ shall bid it wake;
The dust that earth and darkness cover,
Then as a sun its tomb shall break.

Ah, with what joy it rises then
To meet the perfect soul again!
from death, no more to sever,
At that great marriage feast shall they
With all the saints their homage pay,
And there the Lamb forever.

We who yet wander through the waste,
In faith long after Thee on high;
While here the bread of tears we taste,
We think upon that home of joy.

Where we (who knows how soon?) shall meet
With all the saints at Jesu’s feet,
And dwell with Him forever there.

We shall see God; how deep the bliss
We know not yet that lies in this;
Lord Jesus, , our hearts prepare!


Meaning of Now Rests Her Soul In Jesus Arms

Now Rests Her Soul in Jesus’ Arms: A Beautiful Homecoming

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day struggles and challenges that we face. But amidst it all, there is a hope that brings comfort and peace to our weary souls. This hymn, titled “Now Rests Her Soul in Jesus’ Arms,” speaks of a beautiful homecoming, where a loved one finds eternal rest and joy in the presence of our Savior.

As we delve into the verses of this hymn, we are reminded of the profound truth that even in the face of death, there is a hope that transcends the pain and . The first verse paints a picture of a soul finding solace in the loving embrace of Jesus. The body may rest in the grave, but the heart finds warmth and comfort in the presence of the Savior. It is a rest more profound than words can express, a tranquility that surpasses all understanding.

The hymn continues, describing the fleeting nature of life and the struggles that come with it. But in the midst of this, there is a transformative power at work. The soul, once burdened and weary, is now bathed in peaceful seas. God wipes away every tear, bringing and new life to the weary spirit. This is the glory that the soul beholds, the radiant face of the Lamb. It is a moment of escape, where danger, pain, and sorrow are left behind. The crown of joy adorns the brow, and eternal glories surround this beloved child of God.

Upon reaching the heavenly realm, the soul now stands as a queen and a bride at the side of her Sovereign. In this union, the soul experiences an incomparable love. Like a lesser light amid the brilliance of the sun, the soul basks in the love that emanates from its Creator. All doubts, fears, and insecurities are replaced by an overwhelming sense of acceptance and belonging.

The hymn reminds us of the beautiful connection between a child and their Father. The soul now knows what it means to be truly loved by God. It is an indescribable feeling, as vast as a shoreless ocean, filled with an abundance of goodness and bliss. It is here that the soul truly comprehends the magnitude of God’s love.

As the body rests in the grave, it waits for that fateful day when Christ shall bid it wake. The dust that once covered it will be transformed into radiant glory, breaking free from the constraints of earth and darkness. The soul eagerly awaits this reunion, a joyous occasion where the perfect soul is rejoined with its earthly vessel. Death no longer has a hold over them, for they have been redeemed and forever reunited in the presence of their beloved Savior.

While we remain on this earthly plane, we journey through a vast wilderness, longing for the day we will be reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us. As we navigate through the challenges, we hold onto our faith, longing for that eternal home of joy. It is a place where all the saints shall gather at the feet of Jesus, dwelling with Him for all eternity.

We may not fully comprehend the depth of the bliss that awaits us in the presence of God, but we know that it surpasses anything we could ever imagine. The hymn echoes our hearts’ cry, “Lord Jesus, come, our hearts prepare!” For in His presence, we will see God face to face and experience a joy that knows no bounds.

In conclusion, “Now Rests Her Soul in Jesus’ Arms” beautifully captures the hope and comfort that we find in our faith. It reminds us that death is not the end but rather a glorious beginning, where our souls find everlasting joy in the loving embrace of our Savior. As we journey through life, let us hold onto this hope, knowing that one day we will experience the same homecoming, resting our souls in Jesus’ arms for all eternity.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and peace in the beautiful homecoming of a loved one as their soul rests in Jesus' arms. Discover the hope and joy that transcends death and find solace in the presence of our Savior.


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