O God Mine Inmost Soul Convert – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hymn "O God Mine Inmost Soul Convert" that explores the transformation of the soul and the pursuit of eternal bliss. Reflect on the urgency of awakening to righteousness and the hope of meeting a joyful doom at God's judgment. Find solace in the promise of living and reigning with Christ in a realm of everlasting love.

O God Mine Inmost Soul Convert – Hymn Lyric

O God, Mine Inmost Soul Convert: A of Transformation and Hope is a powerful plea to God to awaken our souls and remind us of the importance of eternal things. The hymn paints a vivid picture of judgment day, urging us to live with the purpose of ensuring our place in that joyful event. By seeking God’s will and enduring all obstacles, we can find ultimate bliss and love in His presence.


O God Mine Inmost Soul Convert – Hymn Lyric

O God,
mine inmost soul convert,
And deeply on my thoughtful heart
Eternal things impress;
Give me to feel their solemn weight,
And save me ere it be too late;
Wake me to righteousness.

Before me place in dread array
The pomp of that tremendous day,
When with clouds shalt come
To judge the nations at Thy bar;
And tell me, , shall I be there
To meet a joyful doom?

Be this my one great business here,
With serious industry and fear
Eternal bliss to ensure;
Thine utmost counsel to fulfill,
And suffer all Thy will,
And to the end endure.

Then, Savior, then my soul receive,
Transported from the vale, to live
And reign with Thee above,
Where faith is sweetly lost in sight,
And hope in full, supreme delight,
And love.


Meaning of O God Mine Inmost Soul Convert

O God, Mine Inmost Soul Convert: A Hymn of Transformation and Hope

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters. The concerns of this seem to take up all our time and energy, leaving little room for contemplation of eternal things. But deep down, in the inmost recesses of our souls, there is a yearning for something more, something greater than ourselves.

In this hymn, we find a prayer, a plea to God to convert our hearts and impress upon us the weight of eternal things. The author recognizes the urgency of the matter, acknowledging that it may be too late if we don’t awaken to righteousness. It is a solemn call to action, a reminder that there will come a day when we will all stand before God’s judgment seat.

The hymn vividly paints a picture of that day, with the pomp and splendor of God’s coming, shrouded in clouds. It is a day of reckoning, a day when every nation will be held accountable for their deeds. It is a sobering thought, and the author turns to the Lord, seeking assurance of their place in that judgment.

“Tell me, Lord, shall I be there to meet a joyful doom?” the hymn asks. The use of the word “doom” here may seem paradoxical, but in the context of this hymn, it conveys a sense of anticipation and hope. The author longs for that day, not with fear or dread, but with joyful expectation. To meet that day with confidence, the hymn suggests that our one great business here on earth should be the pursuit of eternal bliss.

What does it mean to ensure eternal bliss? It is not about accumulating wealth or power, but rather about seeking God’s will with “serious industry and fear.” It is about diligently following His counsel, no matter the cost. It is about enduring trials and tribulations, knowing that God’s plan for us extends beyond this earthly life.

The hymn acknowledges that this may not be easy. It speaks of suffering and enduring, recognizing that there will be challenges along the way. But it also reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. The Savior, portrayed as the ultimate guide and companion, waits to receive our souls when the time comes. The hymn envisions a moment of transcendence, when we are transported from the vale of tears to live and reign with Christ above.

In this heavenly realm, faith is no longer a mere belief, but a tangible reality. It is no longer clouded by doubts or uncertainties but is sweetly lost in sight. And hope, that for something better, is fulfilled in the fullness of supreme delight. But above all, it is love that reigns eternal in this abode.

As we reflect on these profound ideas, let us remember that this hymn, though written in a different time and place, resonates with the universal human longing for meaning and purpose. It reminds us that life is not just about the here and now, but also about the eternal. It encourages us to seek conversion, to awaken to the weight of eternal things, and to diligently pursue the path that leads to everlasting bliss.

So, let us heed the words of this hymn. Let us make it our one great business here on earth to ensure our eternal well-being. Let us strive to fulfill God’s utmost counsel and endure whatever trials come our way. And may we find solace and hope in the promise that one day, our souls will be received by the Savior, and we will experience the fullness of eternal love, where faith gives way to sight, and hope is realized in everlasting delight.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the hymn O God Mine Inmost Soul Convert that explores the transformation of the soul and the pursuit of eternal bliss. Reflect on the urgency of awakening to righteousness and the hope of meeting a joyful doom at God's judgment. Find solace in the promise of living and reigning with Christ in a realm of everlasting love.


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