O God Of Love Whose Mercy Came – Hymn Lyric

Experience the overwhelming love and mercy of God through the powerful hymn "O God Of Love Whose Mercy Came". Discover the depth of Christ's sacrifice and be drawn closer to His eternal love.

O God Of Love Whose Mercy Came – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “O Of Love Whose Mercy Came” beautifully captures the depth of God’s love and mercy towards us, despite our sin and shame. It reminds us of the that Jesus made on the Cross, showing us the ultimate example of love and . As we reflect on the love of God, let us give glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and strive to share that love with others in our lives.


O God Of Love Whose Mercy Came – Hymn Lyric

O God of love, whose mercy came
To this dark world of sin and shame,
And on a Cross of suffering sore,
That sin and shame in meekness bore.

Supreme the love the Christ displayed,
When He, True God, True Man was made;
When He was scorned, His patience then
Shone forth divine, with sinful men.

Did e’er such mercy lead the great
To stoop from high to low estate?
Did e’er such love incline the heart
To take the erring ‘s part?

‘Twas God who loved, ’twas God who gave
His Son our erring souls to save;
‘Tis Christ that wins us by the love
From earth below to heaven above.

Win me, O , whose mercy came
To this dark world of sin and shame,
To that world whose beauties shine
Forever in Thy love divine.

To Thee, O Father, glory be,
And glory, Christ, God-Man, to Thee,
And to the Spirit, Three in One,
Now, and while countless ages run.


Meaning of O God Of Love Whose Mercy Came

Oh, how wonderful it is to think about the love and mercy of God that came to this dark world of sin and shame. It truly is a comforting thought to that despite our shortcomings, God still chose to show His love and mercy to us.

When we think about the sacrifice that Jesus made on the Cross, it is a powerful reminder of just how deep God’s love for us truly is. He bore the weight of our sin and shame with meekness and humility, showing us the ultimate example of love and grace.

The hymn speaks of the supreme love that Christ displayed when He came to earth as both True God and True Man. Despite being scorned and rejected, His patience and love shone brightly among sinful men. This is a reminder to us that no matter what we may face, God’s love is always there to guide us through.

Have you ever stopped to think about the magnitude of God’s mercy and love? The hymn asks, “Did e’er such mercy lead the great to stoop from high to low estate?” It is truly remarkable to consider that the Creator of the universe would Himself to save us, the erring .

It is important to remember that it was God who first loved us and sent His Son to save our souls. It is through Christ’s love that we are drawn from the darkness of this world to the eternal beauty of heaven above. This love is what ultimately transforms us and brings us closer to God.

So let us give glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Three in One, for their endless love and mercy towards us. May we always strive to reflect that love in our own lives and share it with those around us.

In conclusion, let us hold on to the and assurance that God’s love and mercy will always be there for us, no matter what challenges we may face. Let us take comfort in the fact that we are never alone, for God is always with us, guiding us with His love and grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the overwhelming love and mercy of God through the powerful hymn O God Of Love Whose Mercy Came. Discover the depth of Christ's sacrifice and be drawn closer to His eternal love.


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