O Jesu, Thou Art Standing – Hymn Lyric
“O Jesu, Thou Art Standing” is a powerful hymn that calls Christians to feel shame and remorse for keeping Jesus standing outside, patiently waiting to enter our lives. With vivid imagery of Jesus’ scars and tears, the hymn highlights the immense sacrifice He made and the love and grace He offers to all. It urges us to open our hearts and never turn Him away, embracing His presence and transforming our lives through faith and discipleship.
Table of Contents
O Jesu, Thou Art Standing – Hymn Lyric
O Jesus, thou art standing
Outside the fast-closed door,
In lowly patience waiting
To pass the threshold o’er:
Shame on us, Christian brethren,
His name and sign who bear,
O shame, thrice shame upon us
To keep him standing there!
O Jesu, thou art knocking;
And lo, that hand is scarred,
And thorns thy brow encircle,
And tears thy face have marred:
O love that passeth knowledge,
So patiently to wait!
O sin that hath no equal
So fast to bar the gate!
O Jesu, thou art pleading
In accents meek and low,
‘I died for you, my children,
And will ye treat me so?’
O Lord, with shame and sorrow
We open now the door:
Dear Saviour, enter, enter,
And leave us nevermore.
Meaning of O Jesu, Thou Art Standing
O Jesu, Thou Art Standing: Embracing the Love and Grace of Christ
In this beloved hymn, the image of Jesus standing outside a closed door evokes a deep sense of remorse and shame. The hymn paints a picture of Jesus patiently waiting, longing to enter the hearts and lives of His followers. With each verse, the hymn calls attention to the tremendous sacrifice Jesus made on the cross and the profound love and grace He offers to all.
The first verse of the hymn admonishes Christian brethren, reminding them of the significance of bearing the name and sign of Jesus. It implores us to feel ashamed for keeping Jesus standing outside the door, highlighting our failure to fully embrace His presence in our lives. The repetition of “shame” serves as a powerful reminder of the weight of this missed opportunity.
As the hymn progresses, we are invited to contemplate the scars on Jesus’ hands, the crown of thorns upon His brow, and the tears that marred His face. These vivid images remind us not only of the physical suffering Jesus endured but also the emotional turmoil He experienced while on the cross. It is through this sacrifice that Jesus demonstrates a love that surpasses understanding. Despite the pain and rejection He faced, He still patiently waits for us to open the door and welcome Him into our lives.
The second verse further emphasizes the magnitude of Jesus’ love and the uniqueness of our sins. It marvels at the unparalleled depth of Christ’s love as He persists in knocking on our door, desiring to break through the barriers we have erected. Our sins are no match for His determination to reconcile with us and offer us His grace. In this understanding, the hymn encourages us to reflect on our shortcomings and acknowledge the power of Christ to overcome them.
The final verse portrays Jesus pleading with us in meek and gentle tones. His voice is filled with sorrow as He reminds us of His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. The crucifixion was not just a historical event but a personal act of redemption for each one of us. In the face of this plea, we are urged to let go of our shame and open the door to Jesus. With both shame and sorrow, we confess our sins and invite the Savior to enter, promising that we will never turn Him away.
As we reflect upon the powerful message of this hymn, we are reminded of the profound love and grace of Jesus. We realize the urgency of opening our hearts to Him, inviting Him to transform our lives and lead us on the path of righteousness. Each time we sing this hymn or hear its melody, we are called to examine our own spiritual state and to ensure that we are not keeping Jesus standing outside the door of our lives.
In a world filled with distractions and busyness, it is easy to forget the presence of Jesus and to neglect the relationship He so desires with each one of us. This hymn serves as a poignant reminder to focus on the eternal significance of opening our hearts to Christ. It compels us to prioritize our faith above all else, understanding that Jesus’ sacrifice and His love are the foundation upon which everything else in our lives should be built.
May we heed the message of “O Jesu, Thou Art Standing,” embracing the love and grace of Christ, and opening the door of our hearts to Him. Let us allow Jesus to enter, to transform us from within, and to guide us on a journey of faith and discipleship. May we never forget the tremendous sacrifice that Jesus made for us and may we always be willing to open our hearts and lives to His loving presence.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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