O Jesus Christ Thou Bread Of Life – Hymn Lyric
Reflect on the true meaning of the hymn “O Jesus Christ, Thou Bread of Life,” which reminds us of repentance, communion, and our connection to God. Jesus is the sustenance for our souls, offering us love and grace to nourish our spirits. Through unity with Him, we can endure hardships, receive healing, and share in the joy of heaven for all eternity.
Table of Contents
O Jesus Christ Thou Bread Of Life – Hymn Lyric
O Jesus Christ, thou Bread of Life,
To sinners freely given
Who of their evil ways repent,
Cast out all earthly leaven,
And graciously my heart prepare
The Holy Supper now to share,
With Thee in blest communion.
Deign to Thine altar, blessed Lord,
By Thine own hand to lead me,
There to renew Thy covenant,
And with Thy gifts to feed me;
O give me, in Thy flesh and blood,
To taste and see that Thou are good;
My soul refresh and quicken.
O give me strength to walk with Thee,
And grace Thy steps to follow,
Thus to fulfill the last of God,
To Him my service hallow.
Bless now Thy sacramental guest,
Take Thine abode within my breast,
And nevermore forsake me.
Cleanse me of all iniquity,
Renew my heart within me;
My soul so fully occupy
That evil shall not win me.
As Thou didst suffer on the cross,
So teach Thy child to suffer loss,
Through faith in Thee, my Saviour.
Thy grace, O God, I merit less
Than strips of Thy chastising;
In all my sins and dire distress
I yet were agonizing,
Save for the willing sacrifice
Of Christ, who bought us with a price,
And earned our full salvation.
Sore stricken, unto Thee I come,
For grace and succor pleading,
Mine eyes are blind; to Thee I turn
For light and gentle leading.
Whene’er I stumble, raise me up;
When faint and famished, from Thy cup,
Lord, tender me Thy healing!
Come, Saviour dear, with me abide,
Thy love in me upwelling;
O Holy Spirit, be my Guide,
And make my heart Thy dwelling.
In all my griefs my comfort be,
Grant me that unity with Thee
Which life nor death can sever.
Before Thy sacred table, Lord,
My prayers grow faint and falter;
Now make me worthy to partake
The bounties of Thine altar.
If one with Thee Thou make me there,
I know that also I shall share
With Thee the joy of heaven.
Meaning of O Jesus Christ Thou Bread Of Life
Do you ever stop and think about the true meaning behind the hymns we sing in church? Take a moment to reflect on the beautiful words of “O Jesus Christ, Thou Bread of Life.” This hymn reminds us of the importance of repentance, communion, and our connection to God.
When we sing about Jesus being the Bread of Life, we are acknowledging that He is the sustenance for our souls. Just as bread nourishes our bodies, Jesus nourishes our spirits with His love and grace. It’s a powerful image to think about, isn’t it? We are called to repentance, to turn away from our sinful ways and embrace the forgiveness that Jesus offers us freely.
The idea of communion is also central to this hymn. When we participate in the Holy Supper, we are renewing our covenant with God and receiving His gifts. We are invited to taste and see that the Lord is good, to refresh and quicken our souls with His presence. It’s a sacred and beautiful moment of unity with our Savior.
As we walk with Jesus and follow in His footsteps, we are reminded that He suffered for us on the cross. Through our faith in Him, we can learn to endure hardships and trials, trusting in His grace and guidance. We may stumble and fall, but Jesus is always there to lift us up and offer us healing. How comforting is it to know that we are never alone in our struggles?
We are constantly in need of God’s cleansing and renewal. Our hearts can be easily tainted by sin and negativity, but through the power of His Spirit, we can be made clean and whole. Let us pray for the strength to stay true to our faith, to resist evil, and to live in a way that honors our Lord.
When we approach God’s table, we do so with reverence and humility. We ask to be made worthy to partake in His bountiful grace and blessings. And we trust that in our unity with Him, we will share in the joy of heaven for all eternity.
So next time you sing “O Jesus Christ, Thou Bread of Life,” remember the deep meaning behind the words. Reflect on the themes of repentance, communion, and grace. And most importantly, feel the love and presence of God in your heart. His mercy is endless, His love unfailing. Let us give thanks for all that He has done for us, and strive to live each day in His light. Amen.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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