O Jesus Is A Satisfying Portion – Hymn Lyric
O Jesus Is A Satisfying Portion Discover true contentment and fulfillment in Jesus, the satisfying portion for your heart. Through this hymn, learn how Jesus brings rest to the weary, calms troubled hearts, and meets our needs. Embrace the love of the Savior and embark on a journey of joy, peace, and everlasting satisfaction.
Table of Contents
O Jesus Is A Satisfying Portion – Hymn Lyric
Oh! Jesus is a satisfying portion,
He lives within my heart,
He gives the weary rest,
He calms the troubled breast,
He has promised me He never will depart;
He feeds me with the precious bread of heaven,
Living water He’ll supply,
He’ll give me all my needs,
I will follow where He leads,
Till I reach that home on high.
He satisfies me, He satisfies me,
Oh! won’t you come and love this Friend so true?
If you will give your heart to my dear Savior,
I know He will satisfy you.
Oh! I am trusting in my precious Savior,
He’s with me to the end,
He satisfies my soul,
My broken heart made whole,
I have proved Him and on Him I can depend.
He listens to the faintest little whisper,
And hears me when I call;
He’s ever by my side,
And in Him I do abide,
For He is my all in all. [Refrain]
Oh! who will come and trust this loving Savior,
A life anew to live?
The darkest day is light,
There’ll come to thee no night,
For His love will dissipate all seeming wrong.
Your life will then be turn’d to sweetest singing,
And His praise shall be thy theme,
Your life like one song dream
Or like some sweet, flowing stream
Shall open grand and true. [Refrain]
Meaning of O Jesus Is A Satisfying Portion
O Jesus Is A Satisfying Portion: Finding Contentment in Christ
Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life? Like there’s an empty space in your heart that needs to be filled? Well, let me tell you about someone who can fill that void and bring you true satisfaction. His name is Jesus, and He is a friend like no other.
In the hymn “O Jesus Is A Satisfying Portion,” the lyrics beautifully capture the essence of finding contentment in Christ. It begins with the verse, “Oh! Jesus is a satisfying portion, He lives within my heart.” This line reminds us that Jesus is not just a historical figure we learn about in Sunday school, but He is alive and present in our lives. When we invite Him into our hearts, He brings joy, peace, and fulfillment.
The hymn goes on to say, “He gives the weary rest, He calms the troubled breast.” Imagine a warm hug from a loved one after a long and tiring day. That’s the kind of comfort and peace that Jesus brings to our souls. When life feels overwhelming, He is there to provide rest and solace. He understands our struggles and offers refuge in His loving arms.
Not only does Jesus provide emotional rest, but He also promises to meet our physical needs. The verse continues, “He feeds me with the precious bread of heaven, Living water He’ll supply.” Just as our bodies require food and water to survive, our spirits need nourishment too. Jesus offers us spiritual sustenance that satisfies and quenches our deepest longings.
It’s important to note that Jesus doesn’t just give us what we want; He gives us what we truly need. He knows us better than we know ourselves and His provision is always perfect. The hymn reassures us, “He listens to the faintest little whisper, And hears me when I call.” Whether it’s a seemingly insignificant prayer or a desperate cry for help, Jesus hears every word we utter. He never ignores us; instead, He lovingly responds in His perfect timing.
As we deepen our trust in Jesus, we discover that He is not only our Savior, but also our friend. In the refrain of the hymn, it says, “He satisfies me, He satisfies me, Oh! won’t you come and love this Friend so true?” Jesus longs for us to experience His satisfying love. He wants to be our confidant, our companion, and the one we turn to when we’re in need. When we open our hearts to Him, we find a friendship that surpasses anything we could ever imagine.
Trusting in Jesus is transformative. The hymn declares, “Oh! I am trusting in my precious Savior, He’s with me to the end, He satisfies my soul, My broken heart made whole.” When we surrender our brokenness and pain to Him, Jesus heals our wounds and brings restoration. He takes the shattered pieces of our hearts and crafts something beautiful out of them. With Jesus, we are never alone; He is faithful to walk beside us through every storm and trial.
Have you ever yearned for a life filled with purpose and meaning? The hymn invites us to consider this question: “Oh! who will come and trust this loving Savior, A life anew to live?” When we choose to follow Jesus, our lives take on a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Suddenly, even the darkest days are illuminated by the light of His love. Shadows flee, and we find hope in His eternal promises.
So, my friend, I encourage you to open your heart to Jesus, the satisfying portion. He is patiently waiting for you to come and experience the depths of His love. Allow Him to meet your needs, bring rest to your weary soul, and mend your broken heart. Let Him transform your life into a beautiful song, flowing like a grand and true stream.
If you’re searching for true contentment and fulfillment, I assure you, Jesus is the answer. Give your heart to Him, and He will satisfy you beyond measure. Don’t wait any longer. Embrace the loving Savior who longs to give you abundant life. Together, let’s embark on a journey of joy, peace, and everlasting satisfaction in Jesus Christ.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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