O Jesus My Jesus Is Coming Some Day – Hymn Lyric

Experience the hope and joy of Jesus's return in "O Jesus

O Jesus My Jesus Is Coming Some Day – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “O Jesus, My Jesus Is Coming Some Day” is a beautiful reminder of the and joy we can have in Jesus’s return. It paints a picture of a glorious celebration when He will gather His loved ones and take them away. As we look forward to the day when we will be united with our Savior, let’s live in a that honors Him and brings Him glory. Jesus is coming, and I can’t wait for that day of glory and blessing.


O Jesus My Jesus Is Coming Some Day – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, my Jesus, is coming some day,
The heavens will open, O why bid Him stay?
His bride hath made ready, her garments are white,
Arrayed in fine linen so pure and so bright.

O glory! He’s coming, yes coming some day,
To gather His loved ones and take them away;
He’s coming, He’s coming, He’s coming some day,
My Savior is coming for me.

Thrice blessed are ye who are bidden to ,
When Jesus name you a king and a priest;
At that feast anew with His bride He’ll reveal,
The wine of heaven, the marriage to seal. [Refrain]

If this hope you’ve treasured, like Him thou shalt be,
All pure and all holy, yes, even as He;
An heir to a kingdom, a crown and a throne,
With riches in glory forever thine own. [Refrain]

O friends, are you ready this moment to stand,
With boldness before Him a sanctified band?
The blood is your plea, are you happy and ,
Made white in the fountain ‘neath ‘s tree? [Refrain]    

Meaning of O Jesus My Jesus Is Coming Some Day

Have you ever thought about the day when Jesus will come back? It’s a day full of hope and joy, a day that we can look forward to with excitement and anticipation. In the hymn “O Jesus, My Jesus Is Coming Some Day,” we are reminded of the promise of Jesus’s return and the glorious celebration that will follow.

The lyrics paint a beautiful picture of Jesus’s second coming, describing how the heavens will open and Jesus will gather His loved ones to take them away. It’s a day of glory and blessing, a day when we will be united with our Savior in a grand feast as His bride. We will be clothed in white garments, pure and bright, and be made kings and priests in His kingdom.

This hymn reminds us that if we hold onto the hope of Jesus’s return, we will be transformed to be like Him. We will be made pure and holy, heirs to His kingdom with crowns and thrones waiting for us. It’s a wonderful promise of riches in glory that will be ours forever.

So, the question is, are you ready for Jesus’s return? Are you standing boldly before Him, sanctified and free by the blood of Christ shed on Calvary’s tree? It’s a moment to reflect on our faith and our readiness to meet our Savior. Are we living in a way that pleases Him, that reflects His and grace to others?

As we sing along to this hymn, let’s remember the hope and joy that Jesus’s second coming brings. Let’s look forward to the day when we will be united with Him in a glorious celebration, feasting with Him as His beloved bride. Let’s hold onto the promise that He is indeed coming, and that we have a place in His kingdom waiting for us.

So, friends, let’s keep our hearts and minds focused on Jesus’s return. Let’s live in a way that honors Him and brings Him glory. And let’s rejoice in the hope that one day, our Savior will come back for us, to take us to be with Him forever. O glory! He’s coming, yes coming some day, to gather His loved ones and take them away. My Savior is coming for me, and I can’t wait for that day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the hope and joy of Jesus's return in O Jesus, My Jesus Is Coming Some Day hymn. Get ready for the glorious celebration when He gathers His loved ones. My Savior is coming for me!


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