O Jesus My Lord And Savior – Hymn Lyric

Discover the strength and hope found in Jesus

O Jesus My Lord And Savior – Hymn Lyric

Finding Strength and Hope in , My and In a world filled with distractions, this hymn reminds us to prioritize our relationship with Jesus. It reminds us that worldly pleasures are temporary and cannot bring true and fulfillment. Instead, we should seek a brighter country, trusting in Jesus as our source of strength and hope. In the end, our ultimate desire should be to give all glory to Jesus, who is mighty to save.


O Jesus My Lord And Savior – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, my Lord and Savior,
Who gavest Thy life for me,
No room in my heart for pleasures
That have not their trust in Thee;
Earth has no abiding city,
Not her is my of rest,
I seek for a brighter country,
A home with the pure and blest.

And oh, when my course is finished,
And victor’s palm I wave,
To Thee will I give the glory,
O , who art mighty to save,
To Thee will I give the glory,
O Thou, who art mighty to save.

The world like a will vanish,
The hope like the years decay,
Its beauties like dewy blossoms
Will wither and pass away;
But Thou wilt abide unchanging,
My sure defense wilt be;
O Jesus my Lord and Savior,
I’m trusting alone in Thee.


O what are the toils and labors,
The crosses that now I bear,
Compared with the crown immortal
Laid up for my soul to wear?
‘Twill matter to me but little
What conflicts I have passed,
If, after the strife is ended,
I rest at Thy feet at last.



Meaning of O Jesus My Lord And Savior

O Jesus, My Lord and Savior: Finding Strength and Hope in You

In a world filled with endless distractions and temporary pleasures, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters. But as I sing this heartfelt hymn, I am reminded of the eternal hope and that can only be found in Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

The first verse of this hymn speaks directly to my heart. It emphasizes the importance of not letting worldly pleasures take up space in my heart. While the world may offer temporary satisfaction, it cannot provide a lasting sense of peace and contentment. Earth is not my true home; it is merely a temporary dwelling place.

Instead, I long for a brighter country, a home where I can find true rest and be in the presence of the pure and blest. The hymn reminds me that this world is filled with struggles and uncertainties. But in the midst of it all, I can find solace and security in knowing that Jesus is my ultimate source of strength and hope.

The refrain of the hymn echoes my ultimate desire: to give all glory to Jesus, who is mighty to save. When I contemplate the end of my earthly journey, I eagerly anticipate the moment when I can raise a victor’s palm and give all honor and praise to my Savior. I know that it is through His power and grace that I will be able to overcome all obstacles and achieve victory.

The second verse acknowledges the fleeting nature of this world. Just like a dream, the world will one day vanish, and the years will pass away. Its attractions and beauties are like dewy blossoms that wither and fade. But amidst the transience of the world, Jesus remains constant and unchanging.

It is in Jesus that I find my sure defense, my unwavering support in the midst of life’s challenges. No matter what trials and tribulations I may face, I can rest assured that Jesus is by my side, guiding me and providing me with the strength I need to persevere.

In the final verse, the hymn invites me to reflect on the worthiness of the eternal crown that awaits me. The toils and labors, the crosses I bear in this life, are but temporary in comparison to the glorious prize set before me. When I fix my eyes on the eternal reward, the difficulties and struggles of today become insignificant. It is the promise of resting at Jesus’ feet at last that fuels my perseverance and gives me hope for the future.

As I sing this hymn, I am reminded of the significance of my faith in Jesus. It is not just a mere belief; it is a source of strength, an in the storms of life. In a world that often values temporary pleasures over eternal treasures, this hymn serves as a beautiful reminder that my ultimate hope and fulfillment can only be found in Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

So, as I continue on my journey, I am encouraged to keep my focus on the eternal. To live a life that reflects the love and grace of Jesus, always seeking His guidance and trusting in His plan. And when my race is finished, and I finally reach that glorious destination, I will raise my victor’s palm and give all glory and honor to the One who is truly mighty to save.

For Jesus, my Lord and Savior, is not just a distant figure in history, but a present reality in my life. He is the source of my strength, the provider of my peace, and the hope that sustains me through every trial. So, I will continue to sing this hymn with a heart overflowing with gratitude and praise, knowing that in Jesus, I have found my true home and my eternal hope.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the strength and hope found in Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Find true rest and eternal glory in His presence. Trust in His mighty power to save.


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