O Jesus O Jesus How Vast Thy Love To Me – Hymn Lyric

Discover the vast love of Jesus for me. Immerse yourself in His endless ocean of love. He died for guilty sinners like me. Experience His forgiveness and find solace in His love.

O Jesus O Jesus How Vast Thy Love To Me – Hymn Lyric

When I think about the immense love that Jesus has for me, I am overcome with gratitude and awe. It’s hard to comprehend just how much He loves us, but I am reminded of it every day. His love is like an ocean, stretching out endlessly, and I am so to be able to bathe in it for all eternity.


O Jesus O Jesus How Vast Thy Love To Me – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, O Jesus, how vast thy love to me!
I’ll bathe in its full ocean to all eternity;
And wending on to Glory this all my song shall be:
I was a guilty sinner, but Jesus for me.

O Calvary, O Calvary, the thorn, the crown, the spear!
‘Tis there thy love, my Jesus, in flowing wounds appears;
O depths of love and mercy, to those dear wounds I flee;
I was a guilty sinner, but Jesus died for me.

I’m coming, I’m coming, dear Jesus, to thy throne,
A few more fleeting hours and I shall be at ;
And when I reach those pearly gates then I’ll put in this plea:
I was a guilty sinner, but Jesus died for me.

In Glory, in Glory, for ever with the Lord,
I’ll tune my harp and with the saints will sing in sweet accord;
And as I strike those golden strings, this all my theme shall be:
I was a guilty sinner, but Jesus pardoned me.


Meaning of O Jesus O Jesus How Vast Thy Love To Me

O Jesus, O Jesus, how vast thy love to me!

When I think about the immense love that Jesus has for me, I am overcome with gratitude and awe. It’s hard to comprehend just how much He loves us, but I am reminded of it every day. His love is like an ocean, stretching out endlessly, and I am so blessed to be able to bathe in it for all eternity.

As I go through life, facing its ups and downs, I am comforted by the that Jesus’ love is always there for me. No matter what I may be going through, I can find solace in His love and know that He is right there with me, guiding me and holding me close.

O Calvary, O Calvary, the thorn, the crown, the spear!

It is at Calvary, where Jesus was crucified, that His love for us is most evident. The thorns that tore through His , the crown of thorns placed upon His head, and the spear that pierced His side – all of these painful wounds were endured for the sake of love. Jesus willingly suffered for us, bearing the weight of our sins on His shoulders.

Reflecting on the depth of His love and mercy brings me to my knees. It is in those wounds, those scars, that I find forgiveness and redemption. In those wounds, I find hope for a better future and assurance that no matter what I have done, Jesus’ love can wash away my guilt and me peace.

O depths of love and mercy, to those dear wounds I flee;

When I feel lost and burdened by guilt, I flee to Jesus’ wounds for comfort and forgiveness. In His love, I find shelter from the storms of life and a refuge from the guilt that weighs heavy on my . His love is a never-ending source of mercy, offering and healing to those who seek it.

I recognize that I am a guilty sinner, weak and flawed. But despite my shortcomings, Jesus died for me. His sacrifice on the cross was a testament of His love for humanity, and I am forever grateful for the redemption and salvation it offers.

I’m coming, I’m coming, dear Jesus, to thy throne,

As I journey through life, I am filled with anticipation for the day when I will finally reach Jesus’ heavenly throne. The thought of being reunited with Him, of experiencing His love in its fullness, fills my heart with joy. I know that no matter what trials I face here on Earth, a few more fleeting hours and I will be at home with my Savior.

And when I reach those pearly gates, then I’ll put in this plea:

When I finally stand before the gates of Heaven, I will humbly plead with Jesus to remember that I was once a guilty sinner. I will acknowledge my past , but I will do so with full confidence in Jesus’ forgiveness. I know that His on the cross was not in vain, but rather a sacrifice that covers all of my sins. In His infinite mercy, He has pardoned me, and I am eternally grateful for His grace.

In Glory, in Glory, forever with the Lord,

Imagining the day when I will be in Glory, forever in the presence of the Lord, brings tears of joy to my eyes. To be able to worship and praise Him alongside all the saints is a privilege beyond measure. I can only imagine the overwhelming feeling of pure happiness and peace that awaits me in His presence.

As I strum the golden strings of my harp, the melody will be one of gratitude and adoration. I will join my voice with the saints, singing in sweet accord, and together we will proclaim the greatness of Jesus’ love. It will be a beautiful symphony, filled with the harmonious chords of love and redemption.

And as I strike those golden strings, this all my theme shall be:

In that glorious moment, as I play my harp and sing with all my heart, my theme will be a simple one: I was a guilty sinner, but Jesus pardoned me. The depths of His love and mercy will be the melody that resounds throughout eternity, a testament to His boundless grace and unfailing love.

O Jesus, O Jesus, how vast thy love to me! Your love is more than I can fathom, and I am forever grateful. Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me and pardoning my sins. May I always remember the sacrifice you made and strive to live a life that brings glory to your name. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the vast love of Jesus for me. Immerse yourself in His endless ocean of love. He died for guilty sinners like me. Experience His forgiveness and find solace in His love.


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