O Lord We Thank Thee For The Zeal – Hymn Lyric

Discover the significance of nurturing faith in children. Appreciate those who shared Jesus' love with young hearts. Guide children with the precious Word of God.

O Lord We Thank Thee For The Zeal – Hymn Lyric



O Lord We Thank Thee For The Zeal – Hymn Lyric

O Lord, we thank Thee for the zeal
That prompted those of old,
To children to reveal,
His love for them unfold.

We praise Thee for Thy Word
That guides us on our way,
The sweetest message ever heard,
That cheers us day by day.

We thank Thee for the faith they showed,
Their patience, courage, art,
For talent, time and love bestowed
To teach the dear child’s heart.


We praise Thee for the precious seed
That thus was freely sown;
For souls thus snatched from Satan’s greed,
And made for e’er Thine own.


We praise Thee for the taught
So many precious years;
For all the good the learners wrought
In busy ‘s careers.


We pray Thee for the faith and love
That move these servants rare;
That when we come to Thee above,
We may Thy share.


Meaning of O Lord We Thank Thee For The Zeal

O Lord, we thank Thee for the zeal

That prompted those of old,

To children Jesus to reveal,

His love for them unfold.

In a where children are often overlooked or discounted, we are grateful for those who recognized the importance of sharing Jesus’ love with them. Just as Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14, NIV), these individuals understood the significance of nurturing the faith of young hearts.

The refrain of this highlights our admiration for ‘s precious Word that guides us on our journey. It is truly the sweetest message we have ever heard and brings cheer to our lives each and every day. We understand that this Word is not just for adults but for children as well. It is never too early to introduce them to the stories, teachings, and promises found within the Bible.

We express our gratitude for the faith shown by those who dedicated their time and effort to teaching children about Jesus. They demonstrated patience, courage, and artistic creativity as they found ways to effectively communicate the love of Christ to young minds. We appreciate the talent and love they generously bestowed upon these children, shaping their understanding of God and His plan for their lives.

The hymn also acknowledges the significance of sowing the precious seed of God’s Word. The individuals mentioned in the hymn freely scattered that seed, leading souls away from the clutches of Satan and into the arms of the Savior. They recognized the eternal value of each child’s soul and made it a priority to plant the seeds of faith in their hearts.

Throughout the years, countless individuals have been impacted by the teaching of the Bible. The hymn recognizes the good that has been accomplished by those learners who took the lessons to heart and applied them in their daily lives. The teachings of the Bible have provided a foundation for many to succeed in their careers and make a positive difference in the world.

As we reflect on the faith and love of these servant-hearted individuals, we are moved to pray for their continued blessings. Their dedication and devotion inspire us, and we long to follow in their . We ask that God grants us the same faith and love that moved these rare servants. May we be stewards of the message of salvation, so that when we stand before God in heaven, we too may share in His glory.

The importance of nurturing the faith of children cannot be overstated. The impact made during their formative years can shape the trajectory of their lives. The hymn reminds us of this truth and encourages us to continue to invest our time and resources in the spiritual growth of children.

In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, it is crucial to remember the value of sharing Jesus’ love with the next generation. We are grateful to those who have gone before us, recognizing the importance of instilling faith in young hearts. May we continue to faithfully pass on the precious Word of God to children, guiding them on their journey towards a meaningful relationship with Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the significance of nurturing faith in children. Appreciate those who shared Jesus' love with young hearts. Guide children with the precious Word of God.


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