O Love Divine Amazing Love – Hymn Lyric
The hymn “O Love Divine, Amazing Love” explores the depths of God’s love for humanity, highlighting Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection. It invites all to embrace and experience this incredible love that knows no bounds, offering redemption and a restored relationship with God. This hymn serves as a powerful reminder of the love that Jesus demonstrated on the cross, calling upon us to reflect upon it daily and share it with others.
Table of Contents
O Love Divine Amazing Love – Hymn Lyric
O Love divine, amazing Love!
That brought to earth, from Heav’n above,
The Son of God, for us to die,
That we might dwell with Him on high.
He died for you, He died for me,
And shed His blood to make us free;
Upon the cross of Calvary,
The Saviour died for you and me.
For us the crown of thorns He bore;
For us the robe of scorn He wore;
He conquer’d death, and rent the grave,
And lives again our souls to save.
He died for you, He died for me,
And shed His blood to make us free;
Upon the cross of Calvary,
The Saviour died for you and me.
O wand’rer, come, on Him believe,
His offer’d grace by faith receive;
Awake, arise, and hear Him call,
The feast is spread, there’s room for all.
He died for you, He died for me,
And shed His blood to make us free;
Upon the cross of Calvary,
The Saviour died for you and me.
Meaning of O Love Divine Amazing Love
O Love Divine, Amazing Love: Exploring the Depths of God’s Love
In the hymn “O Love Divine, Amazing Love,” the powerful message of God’s love for humanity is beautifully expressed. This hymn serves as a reminder of the incredible sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on the crossdying for our sins and offering us the opportunity to dwell with Him in heaven. Let us delve deeper into the meaning and significance of this hymn, exploring the boundless love that God has for each and every one of us.
Verse 1: Unfathomable Love
“O Love divine, amazing Love!
That brought to earth, from Heav’n above,
The Son of God, for us to die,
That we might dwell with Him on high.”
The first verse of the hymn highlights the profound nature of God’s love. It speaks of the extraordinary lengths that God went to bring salvation to humanity. It emphasizes that Jesus, the Son of God, willingly left the splendors of heaven and came down to earth to sacrificially offer His life for our redemption. This act of divine love showcases God’s immense desire to restore our broken relationship with Him and to grant us eternal life.
Chorus: Salvation and Freedom
“He died for you, He died for me,
And shed His blood to make us free;
Upon the cross of Calvary,
The Saviour died for you and me.”
The chorus emphasizes the central message of the hymn. It reiterates the significance of Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross, where He willingly shed His blood to offer us freedom from the bondage of sin. His ultimate sacrifice serves as the key to our salvation and redemption, illustrating God’s unwavering love and desire for a restored relationship with His creation.
Verse 2: The Ultimate Victory
“For us the crown of thorns He bore;
For us the robe of scorn He wore;
He conquer’d death, and rent the grave,
And lives again our souls to save.”
The second verse highlights the immense suffering Jesus endured on our behalf. It vividly depicts the pain and humiliation He endured, wearing a crown of thorns and a robe of mockery. Despite the depths of His agony, Jesus emerged victorious, conquering death itself. Through His resurrection, Jesus overcame the grave, demonstrating His power and ability to offer eternal salvation to all who believe in Him. This triumphant display of divine love assures us that, through Christ, our souls can be saved and experience the fullness of God’s undeserved grace.
Chorus: Inviting All to Experience God’s Love
“O wand’rer, come, on Him believe,
His offer’d grace by faith receive;
Awake, arise, and hear Him call,
The feast is spread, there’s room for all.”
The final chorus extends a heartfelt invitation to all who may feel lost, weary, or searching for something more in life. It beckons the wanderer to come and embrace the love and grace that God freely offers. By accepting Him through faith, one can experience the transformative power of His love. The hymn reminds us that no matter our past, our mistakes, or our doubts, there is a place at His table for each and every one of us.
In the hymn “O Love Divine, Amazing Love,” we are confronted with the immeasurable depths of God’s love for humanity. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, God demonstrated His incredible desire to redeem and restore us, showcasing a love that knows no bounds. This hymn serves as a powerful reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ, inviting all who hear its lyrics to embrace and receive this astounding love. May we reflect upon this divine love daily, allowing its truth to transform and inspire us to share this love with others.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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