O Love Divine And Wondrous Deep – Hymn Lyric
O Love Divine And Wondrous Deep: Embracing the Shepherd’s Call This powerful hymn reminds us of the infinite love of a shepherd who knows us each by name. He calls us to follow him, guiding us through the shadows and offering rest and solace. Let us embrace this love divine and share it with others, finding our way to a perfect day.
Table of Contents
O Love Divine And Wondrous Deep – Hymn Lyric
Oh, love divine and wondrous deep,
How strong that shepherd’s claim,
Who not alone doth lead His sheep,
But calleth each by name;
His voice we hear and follow all, follow all,
His guiding steps and gracious call, gracious call,
Whose voice we hear and follow all, follow all,
His guiding steps and gracious call.
I sought His blessed cross alone,
Bowed down with sin and shame,
He met me there, in loving tone
He called to me by name;
All weary with my fruitless quest, fruitless quest,
I told Him all and thus found rest, thus found rest,
And weary with my fruitless quest, fruitless quest,
I told Him all and thus found rest.
I wondered, Lord, that Thou couldst know
Thus well the one who came,
Till Thou didst whisper sweet and low,
“I always knew thy name;
I give thee now My seal and sign, seal and sign,
That all may know that thou art Mine, thou art Mine;
I give thee now My seal and sign, seal and sign,
That all may know that thou art Mine.”
Now gently guiding safe along,
His care remains the same,
Whose love appeareth tenfold strong,
Who knows His own by name,
And leads them out the shadows gray, shadows gray,
His ransomed up to perfect day, perfect day,
And leads from out the shadows gray, shadows gray,
His ransomed up to perfect day.
Meaning of O Love Divine And Wondrous Deep
O Love Divine And Wondrous Deep: Embracing the Shepherd’s Call
In the realm of love divine and wondrous deep, there exists a shepherd who holds a claim so strong. This shepherd not only leads his flock, but he knows each one by name. Imagine that! The shepherd’s voice resonates within our hearts, and we willingly follow his guiding steps and gracious call.
Like sheep in need of guidance, we may sometimes stray from the path laid before us. We might feel burdened, bowed down by sin and shame. But fear not, for this compassionate shepherd awaits us at his blessed cross. It is there, in the presence of his loving embrace, that he calls to us by name.
In the midst of our weariness and fruitless quests, we pour out our hearts to him. We bear our souls, confessing our struggles and seeking rest. And lo and behold, through this heartfelt connection, we find solace and peace. This shepherd, known as Jesus, welcomes us with open arms and offers us the rest we so desperately seek.
Wonder upon wonder, we ponder how this shepherd could know us so intimately. How can he recognize us amidst the multitudes? And then, in whispers sweet and low, he reveals the answer. “I have always known your name,” he says tenderly. In that moment, we experience a revelation. The shepherd grants us his seal and sign, a symbol of his everlasting love. It is through this mark that all may know we belong to him.
As we continue our journey, the shepherd remains ever watchful. His care is unwavering, for he knows his own by name. He guides us gently through the shadows of doubt and uncertainty. And in those moments, his love shines even brighter. It becomes tenfold stronger, illuminating the path before us.
Through this radiant love, the shepherd leads us out of the gray shadows and towards a perfect day. We, his ransomed ones, are lifted up to a place of ultimate fulfillment. It is a day where darkness is banished, replaced by the brilliance of his light. We stand in awe, basking in the radiance of an eternal love.
Reflecting on this hymn, it becomes clear that the shepherd’s voice is not limited by time or space. It reaches across oceans, transcending all barriers. It resonates within the hearts of young and old alike, for it speaks a universal language of love and hope. No matter our background or circumstances, the shepherd’s call is open to all who will listen.
So let us embrace this love divine and wondrous deep. Let us heed the shepherd’s call and follow his guiding steps. No longer shall we remain lost and wandering. Instead, we shall find solace and rest in his presence. We shall bear his seal and sign, proudly proclaiming that we belong to him.
In this realization, may we share the message of this hymn with others. Let our voices join in harmony, echoing throughout the world. Through our words and actions, may we demonstrate the power of love divine. And together, let us embrace the shepherd’s call, finding our way out of the shadows and into the perfect day he has prepared for us.
In conclusion, O Love Divine And Wondrous Deep speaks to the infinite and unwavering love of a shepherd who calls each one of us by name. It reminds us that we are never alone, for we are guided and cherished by a love so deep and powerful. May the words of this hymn resonate within our hearts, inspiring us to follow the shepherd’s call and share his love with others.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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