O Miracle Of Love And Might – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the miraculous love and humility of Jesus in "O Miracle of Love and Might". Find joy

O Miracle Of Love And Might – Hymn Lyric

“O Miracle of Love and Might” is a powerful hymn that celebrates the incredible love of God displayed through the birth of Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the humility and immense love Jesus brought to the by willingly becoming a vulnerable baby. The hymn encourages us to find our true wealth in Jesus and boldly share His message of peace, love, and goodwill with others.


O Miracle Of Love And Might – Hymn Lyric

O miracle of love and might!
The Lord of all, the heavenly ,
Low in a stable lieth;

For us He bears
The toils and tears
Of earth: for us He dieth.

O Christ, Thy glorious poverty
Makes all Thy people rich in Thee:
To wealth untold it leads them.

With heavenly wine
And bread divine
Thy thirst and hunger feeds them.

Ye saints on earth, no more be sad:
This holy Babe will make you glad
With joy that knows no measure:

His life above
Is peace and love,
And pure unfading pleasure.

Then let your hearts be bold and strong
To echo forth the song-
To God be glory given;

On earth be peace,
Nor ever cease
Goodwill to men from .


Meaning of O Miracle Of Love And Might

O Miracle of Love and Might! What a powerful and beautiful hymn that reminds us of the incredible love that God displayed for us through the birth of Jesus Christ. This hymn celebrates the miraculous event of Jesus, the Lord of all, coming to earth as a humble baby. Let’s dive deeper into the message behind this hymn and explore the rich symbolism it contains.

The hymn begins by highlighting the astonishment and wonder of the miraculous love and might of God. It’s awe-inspiring to think that the heavenly Light, the Lord of all, would willingly lower Himself to lie in a stable. This is a clear depiction of the humility and immense love that Jesus brought to the world. Despite His divine status and the glory He rightfully possessed, He chose to embrace poverty and vulnerability for our sake.

The lyrics emphasize how Christ, through His glorious poverty, made His people rich in Him. This is a profound truth that reminds us that true wealth does not from material possessions, but from having a relationship with Jesus. In Him, we find the abundance of life, joy, and spiritual fulfillment that money can never provide. Jesus offers heavenly wine and bread divine to quench our thirst and satisfy our hunger. Just as physical wine and bread nourish our bodies, Jesus nourishes our souls, providing sustenance and satisfaction beyond measure.

Addressing the saints on earth, the hymn encourages us to cast and find lasting joy in the holy Babe. Jesus came to bring us gladness and a joy that knows no bounds. His life above is one of peace, love, and pure unfading pleasure. How comforting it is to that through our relationship with Jesus, we can experience the same peace, love, and joy that He enjoys in heaven. Jesus’ birth was the beginning of a era of grace and redemption, and we have every reason to be filled with joy as we celebrate His miraculous arrival.

The hymn challenges us to have bold and strong hearts as we join in echoing the angel’s song in giving glory to God. It is through Jesus’ birth that true peace is made available on earth. The arrival of the Messiah brought hope and reconciliation between God and humanity. As we allow the message of to penetrate our hearts, our lives should reflect the peace, love, and goodwill that Jesus embodies. We are called to be peacemakers and to extend goodwill to all those around us, just as God did by sending Jesus to dwell among us.

In conclusion, “O Miracle of Love and Might” is a hymn that encapsulates the profound significance of Jesus’ birth. It beautifully reminds us of the awe-inspiring love and humility that God displayed by sending His Son into the world. This hymn encourages us to find our true wealth in Jesus and rejoice in the peace, love, and joy that He brings. It also challenges us to boldly proclaim His glory and extend goodwill to others. As we reflect on the lyrics of this hymn, let us be filled with gratitude and renewed in our commitment to live out the message of Christmas in our daily lives.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the miraculous love and humility of Jesus in O Miracle of Love and Might. Find joy, peace, and true wealth in Him. Proclaim His glory and extend goodwill to all. Experience the miracle of His birth.


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