O Sinner Hear The Saviors Love – Hymn Lyric
“O Sinner Hear The Savior’s Love” is a hymn that calls out to sinners, urging them to listen and respond to the Savior’s loving voice. It reminds us of the Savior’s sacrifice for us and the offer of eternal salvation. Whether we have turned away from Him in the past or not, His love remains constant and He longs for us to accept His invitation and give Him our hearts.
Table of Contents
O Sinner Hear The Saviors Love – Hymn Lyric
O sinner, hear the Savior’s voice,
It bids thee come to Him today;
Make Him thy first and only choice,
And turn no more from Him away.
Sinner hear the Savior calling,
Calling today, calling today;
List unto His earnest pleading,
Turn not away, turn not away.
The Savior died on Calv’ry’s tree,
To ransom thee from death and sin;
O take salvation offered free,
Give Him thy heart and enter in.
Sinner hear the Savior calling,
Calling today, calling today;
List unto His earnest pleading,
Turn not away, turn not away.
Life‘s silver cord one day will break,
And all earth’s trials will be o’er;
Then sinner, mayest thou awake,
Redeemed upon the other shore.
Sinner hear the Savior calling,
Calling today, calling today;
List unto His earnest pleading,
Turn not away, turn not away.
Meaning of O Sinner Hear The Saviors Love
O Sinner, Hear The Savior’s Love
Have you ever heard a voice calling out to you? Maybe it was your mom telling you it’s time for dinner, or a friend inviting you to play outside. But what if I told you that there is a voice calling to you right now, a voice that is filled with love and compassion? It is the voice of the Savior, and He wants you to come to Him today.
In this hymn, we are reminded of the Savior’s voice, a voice that is gentle and inviting. It is a voice that calls out to sinners like you and me, urging us to make Him our first and only choice. You see, the Savior knows that we are not perfect, that we make mistakes and sometimes turn away from Him. But He still loves us unconditionally and wants us to come back to Him.
The refrain of the hymn echoes the Savior’s calling, urging sinners to listen to His earnest pleading and not turn away. It’s like when your mom is calling you for dinner and you know it’s important to listen and respond. The Savior’s call is even more important because it is about your eternal salvation.
Why is the Savior calling us? The hymn tells us that He died on Calvary’s tree, a reminder of His sacrifice for us. He gave His life to ransom us from death and sin, to offer us salvation for free. All we have to do is accept His gift and give Him our hearts. Isn’t that incredible? The Savior is offering us something so precious and valuable, and all we have to do is say yes.
Life can be difficult sometimes. We face trials and challenges that can weigh us down. But the hymn reminds us that one day, the silver cord of life will break, and all the troubles of this earth will be over. It’s a comforting thought, isn’t it? And when that day comes, we have hope that as sinners, we can awaken redeemed on the other shore.
So, my friend, don’t ignore the Savior’s love. His voice is calling to you today, and He wants you to listen and respond. He is offering you something that no one else can – eternal salvation and a life filled with love and joy. All you have to do is accept His invitation and give Him your heart.
Take a moment to reflect on the Savior’s love. Think about all the times you may have turned away from Him, and how He still loves you regardless. Isn’t that a powerful reminder of His unconditional love for you? Don’t let this love go to waste. Open your heart to Him, and let His love transform your life.
In conclusion, “O Sinner Hear The Savior’s Love” is a beautiful hymn that reminds us of the Savior’s voice calling out to sinners like you and me. It urges us to listen and respond, to accept His invitation of love and salvation. The Savior died for us and offers us the gift of eternal life. So let us not turn away, but instead let us embrace His love and give Him our hearts. May we awaken redeemed on the other shore, knowing that we are loved and saved by the Savior.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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