O Thank The Lord The Lord Of Love – Hymn Lyric
In the hymn, “O Thank The Lord, The Lord of Love,” we are called to express gratitude to the Almighty King for His wondrous works and enduring love. This hymn reminds us of the power, wisdom, and care of God, and encourages us to give thanks for His never-failing mercies.
Table of Contents
O Thank The Lord The Lord Of Love – Hymn Lyric
O thank the Lord,
the Lord of love,
O thank the God,
all gods above,
O thank the mighty King of kings,
Whose arm has done such wondrous things.
His tender mercies ever sure
To all eternity endure;
To all eternity,
To all eternity,
To all eternity endure.
His wisdom gave the heav’ns their birth,
And on the waters spread the earth;
He taught you glorious lights their way,
He made the sun to rule the day.
His tender mercies ever sure
To all eternity endure;
To all eternity,
To all eternity,
To all eternity endure.
He tho’t on us amid our woes,
And rescued us from all our foes;
Give thanks to heav’n’s Almighty King,
Who daily feeds each living thing.
His tender mercies ever sure
To all eternity endure;
To all eternity,
To all eternity,
To all eternity endure.
Meaning of O Thank The Lord The Lord Of Love
O Thank The Lord, The Lord of Love: A Hymn of Gratitude
When we think of love, we often think of the love between two people – a parent and child, a husband and wife, or even friends. But this hymn reminds us that there is a love that surpasses all understanding, a love that comes from the Lord of love himself.
The first verse of this hymn calls us to thank the Lord, the God who is above all other gods. It acknowledges that He is the mighty King of kings, who has done wondrous things. As we reflect on these words, we are reminded of the power and greatness of God. It is His love that sustains us and His tender mercies that endure forever.
The second verse of the hymn focuses on the wisdom of God. It is His wisdom that created the heavens and the earth, and it is His wisdom that guides the heavenly lights. We are reminded of the beauty and order in the world around us, and we give thanks to the God who made it all possible. His tender mercies, again, are mentioned – a reminder that His love and care never fail.
The third verse takes a more personal tone. It reminds us that even in our times of trouble, God has not forgotten us. He has rescued us from our enemies and provided for our needs. This verse calls us to give thanks to the Almighty King of heaven, the one who sustains not just us, but all living things. His tender mercies are described once more, assuring us that His love endures forever.
As we reflect on these verses, we are filled with a sense of gratitude and awe. The Lord of love has shown us His mercy and kindness, and for this, we are truly thankful. Each line of this hymn serves as a reminder of the love and care that God has for His creation.
When we think about the keyword, “O Thank The Lord, The Lord of Love,” we can see that it encapsulates the main theme of this hymn – gratitude. This keyword speaks to the heart of the hymn and can be used in a search engine optimization strategy to ensure that those who are searching for a hymn of gratitude will find this one.
Gratitude is a powerful emotion. It has the ability to shift our perspective, bringing us closer to God and reminding us of His goodness. When we take the time to truly thank the Lord for all that He has done, we are reminded of His love and mercy. This hymn serves as a beautiful expression of gratitude, and its words resonate with people of all ages.
If we were to summarize the message of this hymn in one sentence, it would be this: “O Thank the Lord, the Lord of love, for His tender mercies that endure forever.”
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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