O The Flowers Of Summer – Hymn Lyric

Discover the wonders of God's creation through the vibrant and enchanting flowers of summer. Let their colors and messages of love captivate your heart. Embrace the beauty and sing praises to the Creator.

O The Flowers Of Summer – Hymn Lyric

“O The Flowers Of Summer: A Celebration of God’s Creation” is a captivating hymn that reminds us of the beauty and divinity of God’s creation. These enchanting and angelic blooms are not merely decorations, but messengers of His love and symbols of His infinite power. By appreciating and cherishing these flowers, we gain a deeper understanding of the profound beauty and wisdom that surrounds us, inspiring us to to the Creator who meticulously painted every leaf and flower.


O The Flowers Of Summer – Hymn Lyric

O the flow’rs of summer,
Flow’rs of ev’ry hue,
Take each one as coming,
Straight from God to you;
Telling wondrous secrets
Of his pow’r and love,
Wearing still the brightness
Of the above.

Flow’rs of summer
Angel like are they:
Hear the message which they bring today,
HE who curbs the ocean’s mighty pow’r,
Painted ev’ry leaf and flow’r.

Just as earth’s creation
Show’d the might of God,
So does ev’ryflow’ret
Springing from the sod.
He who guides the star worlds,
Curbs the ocean’s pow’r,
With the same hand painteth
Ev’ry leaf and flow’r. [Refrain]

Touch these sweet flow’rs gently,
So divinely dress’d,
They are, in earth’s language
Thoughts of God express’d.
Thoughts of heav’nly
Sweetness, purity,
Must not he who fram’d them
Wholly lovely be? [Refrain]

him then with singing,
Tell his love abroad;
Be the whole earth ringing
With the name of God.
Lakes and hills be telling-
Sunset skies and flow’rs
Something of the beauty
Of this God of ours. [Refrain]    

Meaning of O The Flowers Of Summer

O The Flowers Of Summer: A Celebration of God’s Creation

In the midst of the warm and sunny days, when the world is adorned with vibrant hues and delightful fragrances, we find ourselves captivated by the beauty of the flowers that grace our surroundings. These gentle blossoms, in all their variety and charm, serve as a constant reminder of the wonders that God has bestowed upon us.

As we wander through fields and gardens, it is impossible not to be enthralled by the kaleidoscope of colors that the flowers present. Each petal, delicately shaped and perfectly arranged, is a testament to God’s design and infinite creativity. One cannot help but be in awe of the intricate details and the exquisite craftsmanship that is evident in every single bloom.

Just as the verse says, we should view these flowers as gifts from God, sent to us to bring and to tell us wondrous secrets about His power and love. Each blossom holds a special message, a whisper from the divine, that reaches out to touch our hearts and souls. When we take the time to truly observe and appreciate these floral treasures, we gain a deeper understanding of the profound beauty and wisdom that exists in our world.

In contemplating the beauty of flowers, we are reminded of the creation story itself. From the very beginning, God’s might and brilliance were on full display. The breathtaking landscapes, teeming with color and life, were a testament to His power and artistry. And just as every flower springs from the earth, every plant and creature was lovingly formed by God’s hand.

The same hand that guides the movements of the celestial bodies and calms the mighty ocean waves is the one that meticulously paints every leaf and flower. This revelation is both humbling and awe-inspiring. It reminds us that the same God who brings order to the vast universe also cares about the tiniest details of our existence.

As we engage with these delicate blossoms, we should handle them gently and with reverence. They are, in the language of the earth, expressions of God’s thoughts. Each flower embodying a unique aspect of heavenly glory – sweetness, purity, and endless beauty. We must acknowledge that the Creator himself must be wholly lovely and perfect to have imagined and fashioned such exquisite creations.

The hymn encourages us to and praise God through song, spreading the message of His love far and wide. Let the whole earth be filled with the reverberations of our voices, proclaiming His name and marveling at His divine craftsmanship. As we sing, let the lakes and hills join in, and may the colors of the sunset skies harmonize with the petals of the flowers, as all of creation joins in the chorus of praise.

It is essential to remember that the flowers of summer are more than just pretty decorations. They hold within them a sacred purpose – to remind us of the beauty and goodness of our Creator. So, when you encounter a colorful blossom, take a moment to pause, to inhale its sweet perfume, and to marvel at its intricate details. Allow yourself to be filled with gratitude for this small yet significant gift, sent straight from God to you.

In conclusion, O The Flowers Of Summer is not just an enchanting hymn, but a powerful testament to the beauty and divinity of God’s creation. These delicate and angelic blooms are more than mere decorations; they are messengers of His love and reminders of His boundless power. By appreciating and cherishing the flowers that grace our world, we gain a deeper understanding of the profound beauty and wisdom that surrounds us. So, let us embrace the gift of these flowers and let our hearts and voices sing praises to the Creator who painted every leaf and flower, filling our lives with color and .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the wonders of God's creation through the vibrant and enchanting flowers of summer. Let their colors and messages of love captivate your heart. Embrace the beauty and sing praises to the Creator.


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