O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love – Hymn Lyric

"O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love: Embrace the Purpose and Beauty of Love. Discover the profound nature of love and how it guides us towards a greater purpose. Find the true power and meaning of love."

O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love – Hymn Lyric

“O Who Gavest Power To Love” is a hymn that celebrates the profound nature of love and its purpose in our lives. Through love, we can connect with others, find joy amidst challenges, and discover greater meaning. It is a gift bestowed upon us by a loving Creator, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the around us.


O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love – Hymn Lyric

O Thou who gavest power to love
That we might fix our hearts on Thee,
Preparing us for joys above
By that which here on earth we see:

Spirit trains our souls to
The growing purpose of Thy will,
And gives to love the power to show
That purpose growing larger still;

Larger, as love to reverent eyes
Makes manifest another soul,
And shows to life a richer prize,
A clearer course, a nobler goal.

Lord, grant Thy servants who implore
Thy blessing on the hearts they blend,
That from that union evermore
New joys may blossom to the end.

Make what is best in each combine
To purge all earthly dross ,
To strengthen, purify, refine,
To beautify each coming day.

So may they hand in hand advance
Along life’s path from troubles ;
Brave to meet adverse circumstance
Because their love points up to Thee.


Meaning of O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love

O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love: Embracing the Purpose and Beauty of Love

Love, oh love! It is a wondrous thing, isn’t it? A force that has the power to make us feel alive, to bring joy amidst the chaos of life. And have you ever wondered where this power to love comes from? Well, my dear friends, it is a gift bestowed upon us by none other than the divine Creator. In this hymn, titled “O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love,” we explore the profound nature of love and how it can guide us towards a greater purpose.

Imagine, if you will, a world without love. It would be a cold and bleak place, wouldn’t it? But thankfully, our Creator has us with the ability to experience and express love. It is through love that we can fix our hearts on something greater than ourselves. It allows us to transcend our own desires and connect with others in a meaningful .

You see, love is not merely an emotion or a fleeting feeling. It is a guiding force, preparing us for the joys that await us in the world beyond. Through love, we catch a glimpse of the purpose that lies within us all. It is a purpose that grows and evolves, just as our love does.

The hymn reminds us that the Spirit trains our souls to understand this purpose. It is through this understanding that our love gains the power to reveal something much larger than ourselves. When we truly love, our love becomes a mirror that reflects the beauty and worth of another soul. It breathes life into our existence and shows us a richer prize, a clearer course, and a nobler goal.

Dear Lord, we implore you to bless the hearts of those who come together in love. May their union be a source of constant joy, blossoming with new possibilities each day. And as they journey through life, may their love combine the best in each of them, purging away any earthly dross that may hinder their growth. May their love strengthen, purify, and refine them, making them more beautiful inside and out.

In this beautiful hymn, we are encouraged to hold hands and advance through life’s path free from troubles. It is because of the power of love, pointing us towards the divine, that we can be brave in the face of adversity. Love gives us the strength to overcome the challenges that come our way, for it reminds us that we are not alone.

So, my dear friends, let us cherish the power of love. Let us embrace its purpose and beauty. And let us remember that it is a gift from above, bestowed upon us by a loving Creator. As we journey through life, may we always fix our hearts on the one who gave us this incredible gift, for in doing so, we will find the true power and meaning of love.

In conclusion, “O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love” is a hymn that celebrates the profound nature of love. It reminds us of the purpose and beauty that love brings into our lives. Love, bestowed upon us as a gift, allows us to connect with others, navigate life’s challenges, and find greater meaning in our existence. So, my dear friends, let us embrace this incredible power and let our love shine , pointing us towards the divine.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love: Embrace the Purpose and Beauty of Love. Discover the profound nature of love and how it guides us towards a greater purpose. Find the true power and meaning of love.


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