O Where Is Now That Glowing Love – Hymn Lyric
“O Where Is Now That Glowing Love: Finding Our Way Back to God‘s Embrace” takes us on a journey of rediscovery, exploring the nostalgia of a once passionate love for God. As we reflect on the zeal and joy that once consumed us, we seek to reignite that flame by spending intentional time with God, seeking support from a community of believers, guarding our hearts against worldly distractions, and embracing forgiveness. Through this process, we can find our way back to the love and embrace of our Savior, experiencing true peace and joy in His presence.
Table of Contents
O Where Is Now That Glowing Love – Hymn Lyric
where is now that glowing love
That marked our union with the Lord!
Our hearts
were fixed on things above,
Nor could the world
a joy afford.
Where is the zeal
that led us then
To make our Saviour’s glory
That freed us from the fear of men,
And kept our eye
on him alone?
Where are the happy seasons spent
In fellowship with him we loved,
The sacred joy,
the sweet content,
The blessedness that then we proved?
Behold, again we turn to thee,
Oh, cast us not away, though vile;
No peace we have,
no joy we see,
O Lord, our God,
but in thy smile.
Meaning of O Where Is Now That Glowing Love
O Where Is Now That Glowing Love: Finding Our Way Back to God’s Embrace
Oh, where is now that glowing love
That marked our union with the Lord!
Our hearts were fixed on things above,
Nor could the world a joy afford.
In the journey of life, we often find ourselves drifting away from the path of love and devotion we once had for our Savior. We look back with nostalgia, remembering the time when our hearts were ablaze with a fervent love for God. Our zeal was unwavering, and our focus remained steadfastly on Him. But as time passed and the world’s distractions beckoned, that once-burning flame began to flicker, and our fervor diminished.
Where is the zeal that led us then
To make our Savior’s glory known,
That freed us from the fear of men,
And kept our eye on him alone?
When we were deeply connected to the love of Christ, we were not bound by the fear of what others might think or say. The opinions and judgments of people held no power over us because our focus was solely on our Savior. We boldly proclaimed His glory, unashamed and unafraid. Our love for Him propelled us to share His love with others, bringing hope and faith into their lives. But now, we find ourselves questioning where that zeal has gone.
Where are the happy seasons spent
In fellowship with him we loved,
The sacred joy, the sweet content,
The blessedness that then we proved?
Those happy seasons we spent in fellowship with our Savior were truly transformative. We experienced a sacred joy that surpassed all worldly pleasures. Our hearts were filled with contentment, and we felt a blessedness that cannot be adequately put into words. The connection we had with our Creator was intimate and profound. But somehow, somewhere along the way, we lost sight of that blissful state.
Behold, again we turn to thee,
Oh, cast us not away, though vile;
No peace we have, no joy we see,
O Lord, our God, but in thy smile.
As we reflect on our journey, we realize that we have strayed far from the path of righteousness. We acknowledge our faults and shortcomings, understanding that we are unworthy of God’s love and grace. Yet, we humbly ask Him not to cast us away, despite our vileness. For it is only in His embrace that we can find true peace and joy. Our hearts long to feel the warmth of His smile once again.
In this pursuit of rediscovering our love for God, we must understand that it is a gradual process, requiring patience, perseverance, and a sincere desire to return to Him. We need to take deliberate steps to rekindle that glowing love within our hearts.
Firstly, we must make an intentional effort to spend time with God every day. This can be through prayer, reading the Bible, or simply sitting in quiet reflection. By carving out a few moments each day to be in His presence, we open ourselves up to His guidance and love.
Additionally, seeking fellowship with like-minded believers can be immensely helpful. Surrounding ourselves with a community of faith provides support, encouragement, and accountability. Together, we can remind each other of the love we once had for God and inspire one another to reignite that flame.
Furthermore, we must guard our hearts and minds against the distractions and temptations of the world. We live in a society that constantly bombards us with messages that pull us away from God. It is crucial to be discerning and intentional about what we allow into our lives, constantly filtering out negativity and cultivating an environment that nurtures our relationship with Him.
Lastly, we must never underestimate the power of forgiveness both seeking forgiveness from God and extending it to ourselves. It is easy to become discouraged by our failures and shortcomings. However, God’s love is boundless, and He offers us forgiveness and grace without hesitation. By embracing His forgiveness, we can let go of the weight of our mistakes and move forward in love and obedience.
As we embark on this journey of rediscovering our love for God, let us remember that He is always waiting with open arms. Despite our wanderings and imperfections, He never stops loving us. The road may be challenging, but the rewards of reconnecting with our Savior are immeasurable. We can once again experience the joy, contentment, and blessedness we felt when our love for Him was glowing. Let us return to that place of devotion, allowing His love to guide our footsteps and fill our hearts.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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