On For Jesus Steady Be Your Arm – Hymn Lyric

March onward for Jesus! Stay strong and faithful

On For Jesus Steady Be Your Arm – Hymn Lyric

This hymn, titled “On for Jesus”, encourages us to remain steadfast and unwavering in our , just like brave soldiers with shields and swords. Through the cry of “On for Jesus!” we are reminded to never retreat, but to on towards victory, trusting in His word. Let us continue marching on, waving the standard of our Captain high, knowing that He is with us every step of the way.


On For Jesus Steady Be Your Arm – Hymn Lyric

On for Jesus! Steady be your arm and brave;
Onward, onward, take the shield and sword;
On for Jesus! Standard of your Captain wave,
Pressing onward, trusting in his word.

Marching on, marching on,
We’re marching onward still for Jesus;
Marching on, marching on,
Beneath the banner of the .

“On for Jesus!” This shall be the battle-cry,
Ne’er retreating, ever pressing on;
On for Jesus! Marching on to victory,
As we shout the glad redemption song.

On for Jesus! Tiresome tho’ the conflict be,
Though the hosts of sin are pressing hard;
On for Jesus! Striving for the victory,
Endless life will soon be your reward. [Refrain]

On for Jesus, till the sound of strife is o’er!
When the great Commander calls for
Thou shalt wear a crown of life forevermore,
And with Jesus reign eternally. [Refrain]    

Meaning of On For Jesus Steady Be Your Arm

On for Jesus! What a powerful and uplifting hymn! It encourages us to remain steadfast and unwavering in our faith, just like a brave soldier with a shield and sword. No matter what challenges we face, we are called to press onward, trusting in the word of Jesus.

Imagine yourself in a great battle, marching forward with determination and courage. The hymn tells us to wave the standard of our Captain, Jesus, high in the air as a symbol of our allegiance. We proudly declare, “On for Jesus!” This battle cry through the field, reminding us to never retreat, but to keep pressing on towards victory.

Sometimes, the battle can be tiring and exhausting. Sin and temptation might try to wear us down, but we must stay strong. The hymn encourages us to continue fighting for Jesus. Even when it feels like the forces of darkness are pressing hard against us, we should not lose . We are reminded that our reward, endless life, awaits us.

As we march on for Jesus, let us remember the great redemption that He has brought upon us. Through His sacrifice, we have been saved and set free from the chains of sin. The hymn invites us to shout with as we the glad redemption song. How wonderful it is to know that our sins have been forgiven, and we have been granted eternal life!

The hymn also reminds us that this battle will not last forever. There will come a time when the sound of strife will cease, and the great Commander, Jesus, will call us home. Can you imagine what it will be like to wear a crown of life forevermore? To reign with Jesus eternally? It is a glorious and awe-inspiring thought.

So, dear friends, let us march on for Jesus. Let us be brave and steady in our faith. No matter what obstacles come our way, let us remain firm in our commitment to Him. We have the greatest Captain leading us, and He has promised us victory.

As we sing this hymn, let its words resonate in our hearts and minds. Let the battle cry of “On for Jesus!” be a constant reminder of our purpose and mission. With Jesus by our side, we can face any challenge and overcome it. Let us lift high the banner of the free as a testament to the freedom we have in Christ.

In conclusion, dear friends, let us always remember to be on for Jesus. Let us steady our arms and be brave, knowing that He is with us every step of the way. As we march onward, trusting in His word, we can be confident of the victory that awaits us. So, let us keep marching on, beneath the banner of the free, and spread the and grace of Jesus wherever we go.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image March onward for Jesus! Stay strong and faithful, waving His standard high. Overcome challenges, trust in His word, and march on to victory. Keep spreading His love and grace.


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