Once More My Soul Thy Savior Through The Word – Hymn Lyric
In the depths of your being, my dear soul, lies a choice that cannot be ignored. The Savior, through the sacred pages of His Word, extends His hand of redemption to you once more. Will you grasp it firmly and claim Him as your own?
Table of Contents
Once More My Soul Thy Savior Through The Word – Hymn Lyric
Once more, my soul, thy Saviour, thro’ the Word,
Is offered full and free;
And now, O Lord, I must, I must decide:
Shall I accept of Thee?
I will! I Will! I will!
God helping me, I will,
O Lord, be Thine!
Thy precious blood was shed to purchase me-
I will be wholly Thine!
By grace I will Thy mercy now receive,
Thy love my heart hath won:
On Thee, O Christ, I will, I will believe,
And trust in Thee alone!
I will! I Will! I will!
God helping me, I will,
O Lord, be Thine!
Thy precious blood was shed to purchase me-
I will be wholly Thine!
Thou knowest, Lord, how very weak I am,
And how I fear to stray;
For strength to serve I look to Thee alone-
The strength Thou must supply.
I will! I Will! I will!
God helping me, I will,
O Lord, be Thine!
Thy precious blood was shed to purchase me-
I will be wholly Thine!
And now, O Lord, give all with us to-day
The grace to join our song;
And from the heart to gladly with us say:
“I will to Christ belong!”
I will! I Will! I will!
God helping me, I will,
O Lord, be Thine!
Thy precious blood was shed to purchase me-
I will be wholly Thine!
To all who came, when Thou wast here below
And said, “O Lord, wilt Thou?”
To them, “I will!” was ever Thy reply:
We rest upon it now.
I will! I Will! I will!
God helping me, I will,
O Lord, be Thine!
Thy precious blood was shed to purchase me-
I will be wholly Thine!
Meaning of Once More My Soul Thy Savior Through The Word
Once More My Soul, Your Savior Beckons Through His Word
In the depths of your being, my dear soul, lies a choice that cannot be ignored. The Savior, through the sacred pages of His Word, extends His hand of redemption to you once more. Will you grasp it firmly and claim Him as your own? The decision is now before you, and oh, how crucial it is to make the right one.
Listen closely, my soul, to the gentle whispers of your Savior. He stands before you, arms outstretched, ready to embrace you with His boundless love and forgiveness. His sacrifice on the cross was not in vain; it was a price paid for your salvation. The precious blood that flowed from His veins was shed solely with the purpose of purchasing your freedom from sin.
Now, my soul, take a moment to reflect on His grace and mercy. They are freely offered to you, without any merit on your part. Can you truly comprehend the enormity of this gift? The love of Christ has conquered your heart, and it is with gratitude and joy that you should respond, “I will! I Will! I will!” Yes, with God helping you, you will commit yourself to be wholly His.
In a world plagued by uncertainty and doubt, it is so essential to hold fast to this decision. You may feel weak, my soul, and moments of fear may creep into your thoughts. But take heart, for your strength to serve is not found within yourself; it is found in the boundless power of your Savior. He alone can supply you with the resilience and courage needed to stay on the path of righteousness.
As you make this decision, my soul, encourage others to join in your song of devotion. Share with those around you the joy that fills your heart when you declare, “I will to Christ belong!” Let the fire of your faith ignite their souls, leading them to a profound encounter with their Savior.
Maintain unwavering confidence, my soul, in the promises that your Savior has made. Remember how He responded to those who sought His presence while He walked this earth. They asked, “O Lord, wilt Thou?” and without hesitation, He replied, “I will!” Those very words continue to echo through time, assuring us of His unending commitment to His children. Rest assured, my soul, that you can rely on this unwavering “I will” for eternity.
In conclusion, my soul, may you never grow weary of hearing your Savior’s call through His Word. Let His love and sacrifice resound in your heart, motivating you to respond, “I will! I Will! I will!” with unwavering conviction. Trust in Him alone, for He is the source of all strength and the wellspring of all grace. Through your decision to be wholly His, you will experience the abundant life He promises to those who faithfully follow Him.
Now, my dear soul, embrace this truth and let it guide your every step. Once more, your Savior beckons through the Word. May you respond with a resounding “I will,” and may the world witness your unwavering commitment to Christ.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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