One Day When Jesus Had Healed The Sick and Raised The Dead – Hymn Lyric

Experience the miraculous healing power of Jesus in the story of a woman who found hope and wholeness through faith. Discover how your faith can bring healing and restoration in times of need.

One Day When Jesus Had Healed The Sick and Raised The Dead – Hymn Lyric

One day when Jesus had healed the sick and raised the dead, a woman sought healing by touching his garment with . Jesus reassured her, saying “Thy faith hath made whole.” This miraculous story serves as a reminder of the power of faith and the of Jesus in bringing comfort and healing to those in need.


One Day When Jesus Had Healed The Sick and Raised The Dead – Hymn Lyric

One day when Jesus had healed the sick and raised the dead,
There came a woman, for years afflicted sore, who said:
“If I may but of His garment touch, I be whole,”
And Jesus comforting said, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.”

“Thy faith hath made thee whole,
Thy faith hath made thee whole;”
O words of life and love,
That sin’s dark stains remove,
That heal the blighting woe,
And life for death bestow!
Bring ev’ry burden, suff’ ,
And hear the Master kindly say,
“Thy faith hath made thee whole.”

When blind Bartimeus beginning sat, to Jericho nigh,
He heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by,
And cried, “Have mercy on me, Thou Son of David, save!”
When Jesus heard of his faith, to him his sight he gave.

To ye who carry the marks of sin, whose souls are blind,
The invitation is giv’n to full deliv’rance find;
This mighty Jesus, the great Physician, passeth by,
If ye will call on His mercy, He will hear your cry.


Meaning of One Day When Jesus Had Healed The Sick and Raised The Dead

One day when Jesus had healed the sick and raised the dead, it was a truly miraculous sight to behold. The power of his healing touch brought comfort and hope to those in need. One such story that stands out is that of a woman who had been suffering for years with a debilitating illness. Despite her pain and struggles, she held onto a glimmer of hope and faith that one day she would be made whole.

This woman, with unwavering faith in her , approached Jesus with a simple request – to just touch the hem of his garment. She believed with all her being that this act of faith would bring about her healing. And in that moment, when she reached out and touched Jesus’ garment, a wave of healing energy washed over her. Jesus, in his infinite love and compassion, spoke words of comfort and reassurance to her – “Thy faith hath made thee whole.”

What a powerful message this is for all of us to remember – that faith has the ability to move mountains and bring about miracles in our lives. It is a reminder that no matter how broken or lost we may feel, there is always hope and healing to be found in the loving embrace of Jesus.

Just as the blind Bartimeus cried out to Jesus for mercy and was granted the gift of sight, so too can we call upon the name of Jesus in our times of need. His compassion knows no bounds, and his healing touch can reach even the darkest corners of our souls.

So to all who carry the heavy of sin and suffering, know that the invitation to find full deliverance is always open. Jesus, the great Physician, is ever-present and ready to hear our cries for help. All we need to do is have faith and reach out to him with a heart full of hope.

In the midst of our pain and struggles, let us take comfort in the words of this hymn – “Thy faith hath made thee whole.” These words of life and love have the power to remove the stains of sin, heal the wounds of despair, and bring life where there was once only death.

So bring your burdens and your suffering to the feet of Jesus, and hear his gentle voice saying, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.” Let these words be a source of comfort and strength as you journey through life, knowing that you are never alone in your struggles. Jesus is always by your side, ready to bring healing and wholeness to your soul.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the miraculous healing power of Jesus in the story of a woman who found hope and wholeness through faith. Discover how your faith can bring healing and restoration in times of need.


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