Open Thy Heart To The Love Of The Savior – Hymn Lyric
This hymn reminds us to open our hearts to the love of Jesus Christ, allowing His light to guide us through challenges and bring us joy. By listening to His pleading, we can experience His unconditional love and find true peace. Jesus is our constant companion, ready to lead us safely through any storm. So, let us open our hearts wide and let His love transform our lives.
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Open Thy Heart To The Love Of The Savior – Hymn Lyric
Open thy heart to the love of the Saviour,
List to His pleading while yet you may;
His is the hand that will safely lead you,
Up to the glory of endless day.
Open thy heart! Open thy heart!
Let in the sunshine from heaven above;
List to His voice, Come and rejoice!
Open thy heart to the Saviour’s love.
Oft in the shadow, when friends all forsake you,
Jesus is waiting to hear your call;
Leading the way through the storm and darkness,
Saviour-Redeemer-yes, all in all.
Meaning of Open Thy Heart To The Love Of The Savior
Open Thy Heart to the Love of the Savior: Embracing the Sunshine from Heaven Above
In life, we often find ourselves facing challenges and hardships, feeling alone and abandoned. But amidst the darkness, there is always a ray of light that can guide us through our struggles and bring us joy. That light is the love of the Savior, Jesus Christ. In the heartwarming hymn “Open Thy Heart to the Love of the Savior,” we are reminded of the power of opening our hearts to His love and the endless possibilities it can bring.
The hymn begins by urging us to open our hearts to the love of the Savior. What does that mean? It means allowing ourselves to fully experience and accept the unconditional love that Jesus offers us. It means trusting in Him and His plan for us, even when we’re faced with difficult times. So, let us open our hearts wide and embrace this love that has the power to transform our lives.
As we open our hearts to the love of the Savior, we are encouraged to listen to His pleading while we still have the chance. He doesn’t force His love upon us; instead, He invites us to choose it willingly. It’s a gentle call, asking us to let go of our doubts and fears and to trust in Him completely. So, let’s listen attentively and respond to His loving invitation, for it is in doing so that we will find true peace and happiness.
The hymn beautifully emphasizes that Jesus is the hand that will safely lead us. Imagine walking through a dark and stormy night without a guiding light. It would be scary and overwhelming. But with Jesus by our side, we can feel confident that He will lead us safely through any storm. He is our constant companion, ever ready to lend a helping hand. When we feel alone and abandoned by friends, Jesus is there, waiting for us to call upon Him. He is our Savior and Redeemer, the one who loves us unconditionally and will never forsake us.
The refrain of the hymn invites us to open our hearts and let in the sunshine from heaven above. Just like the warmth and light of the sun, Jesus’ love brings us comfort and brightens our path. It illuminates even the darkest corners of our lives, showing us the way to joy and fulfillment. So, let us open our hearts wide, allowing His love to shine brightly within us and radiate outwards to others.
It is important to remember that opening our hearts to the love of the Savior doesn’t mean our lives will be free from challenges. We will still face storms and darkness along our journey. However, with Jesus as our guide and with His love in our hearts, we can weather any storm. His love provides us with the strength and courage to face adversity with grace and resilience.
The hymn reminds us that Jesus is our all in all. He is not only our Savior but also our friend, our comforter, our teacher, and our constant source of inspiration. In Him, we find everything we need. His love is all-encompassing, reaching every aspect of our lives. So, let us open our hearts wide and allow His love to transform us completely.
In conclusion, “Open Thy Heart to the Love of the Savior” is a powerful hymn that encourages us to embrace the love of Jesus Christ. By opening our hearts to His love, we invite in the sunshine from heaven above, bringing light and joy into our lives. We are reminded that Jesus is always there for us, leading us through the storms and darkness. So, let us open our hearts wide and experience the endless possibilities that His love offers. May we listen to His voice, come and rejoice, and open our hearts to the Savior’s love.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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