Physician Of My Sin Sick Soul – Hymn Lyric

Heal your sin-sick soul with the grace of our Savior

Physician Of My Sin Sick Soul – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Physician of my -sick ,” we are reminded of the comfort and hope we find in Christ. He alone has the power to heal our deepest struggles and pains with His grace and . Let us come to Him with all our and weaknesses, knowing that He sees, understands, and is ready to bring us the peace and wholeness we long for.


Physician Of My Sin Sick Soul – Hymn Lyric

Physician of my sin-sick soul,
To thee I bring my case;
My raging malady controul,
And heal me by grace.

Pity the anguish I endure,
See how I mourn and pine;
For never can I hope a cure
From any hand but thine.

I would disclose my whole complaint,
But where shall I begin?
No words of mine can fully paint
That worst distemper, sin.

It lies not in a single part,
But thro’ my frame is spread
A burning fever in my heart,
A palsy in my head.

It makes me deaf, and dumb, and blind,
And impotent and lame,
And overclouds and fills my mind,
With folly, fear and shame.

A thousand evil thoughts intrude,
Tumultuous in my breast;
Which indispose me for my food,
And rob me of my rest.

Lord I am sick, regard my cry,
And set my spirit free;
Say, canst thou let a sinner die,
Who longs to live to thee?


Meaning of Physician Of My Sin Sick Soul

Oh, how comforting it is to know that we have a Physician for our sin-sick in the form of our , Jesus Christ. Just like in the hymn, we can bring all our struggles and pains to Him, knowing that only His grace can heal us completely.

When we come to Jesus with our sins and weaknesses, we can be assured that He sees and understands the anguish we are going through. He is always ready to listen to our cries and bring us the healing and peace that we so desperately need.

Sin is like a disease that affects every part of our being, just like the hymn describes. It can make us feel deaf to God’s voice, blind to His truth, and impotent in our faith. But we can take heart in the fact that Jesus has the power to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and restore us to wholeness.

As we pour out our hearts to Jesus and confess our sins, we can trust that He will not turn us . He is always ready to forgive and restore us, no matter how far we have strayed. His love and mercy know no bounds, and He longs to see us living in freedom and joy.

It can be overwhelming to try to put into words the depth of our sin and brokenness, but we can rest in the assurance that Jesus knows our hearts better than we do. He sees beyond our outward actions to the root of our struggles, and He is ready to bring healing and transformation to our lives.

Just like the hymn expresses, sin can bring a multitude of evil thoughts and emotions that threaten to overwhelm us. But when we turn to Jesus in prayer and , He can calm the storm within us and bring us the peace that surpasses all understanding.

So let us not hesitate to come to Jesus with our sin-sick souls, trusting that He is the only one who can truly heal us and set us free. May we always remember that there is no sin too great for His grace to overcome, and no heart too broken for His love to restore. Let us cling to our Physician of the soul and experience the abundant life He offers to all who seek Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Heal your sin-sick soul with the grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Find comfort and restoration in His love, knowing He can cure even the deepest struggles. Seek the Physician for your soul today.


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