Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of longing for heaven and finding hope and peace in the hymn "Rise

Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings – Hymn Lyric

“Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings” offers a powerful message of finding hope and peace in heaven. The reminds us to rise above the temporary things of this world and set our hearts towards our destined place. Through expressive verses, this hymn encourages us to press onward towards our heavenly prize, where we will find enduring rest and joy in God’s embrace.


Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings – Hymn Lyric

Rise, my soul,
and stretch thy wings,
thy better portion trace;
from transitory things,
towards heaven,
thy destined place:

Sun and moon and stars decay,
time soon this earth remove;
Rise, my soul,
and haste away
to seats prepared above.

to the ocean run,
nor stay in all their course;
Fire ascending
seeks the sun;
both speed them to their source:

So my soul,
derived from God,
longs to view His glorious face,
Forward tends
to His abode,
to rest in His embrace.

Cease, ye pilgrims,
cease to mourn,
press onward to the prize;
thy will return,
to take thee to the :

There is everlasting peace,
enduring rest,
in heaven;
There will sorrow ever cease,
and crowns of joy be given.


Meaning of Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings

Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings: Finding Hope and Peace in Heaven

In the hymn “Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings,” we are reminded of the transitory nature of the world we live in and urged to set our hearts and minds towards our destined place in heaven. The verses of this beautiful hymn paint a vivid picture of the fleeting nature of time and material possessions, urging our souls to rise and seek something higher, something everlasting.

As human beings, we often find ourselves caught up in the never-ending cycle of earthly pursuits. We chase after success, wealth, and popularity, thinking that these things will bring us true happiness. However, as the hymn reminds us, all these things will eventually fade away. The sun, the moon, and the stars may seem eternal, but even they will decay in time. Our souls are called to rise above the transitory things of this world and fix our gaze on something everlasting.

Just as rivers flow towards the ocean and fire ascends to the sun, our souls are drawn towards their source – God. We are reminded that our souls are derived from God, and therefore, they long to be in His presence. In this earthly life, we often feel a deep longing, a yearning to experience the glory of God. We feel incomplete, as if something is missing. It is this innate that propels us forward, urging us to seek our true abode and find rest in God’s embrace.

For those who are weary and burdened by the challenges of life, the hymn offers a gentle reminder to cease mourning and press onward to the prize that awaits us. We are encouraged to look beyond our earthly struggles and keep our eyes fixed on the promise of our Savior’s return. The savior, who will come to take us to the skies and to an everlasting peace.

Heaven is described as a place of rest, enduring rest, where sorrow shall cease, and joy shall abound. It is in this abode that we will find true peace, from the trials and tribulations of this world. The hymn assures us that in heaven, we will be crowned with joy and receive the rewards of our .

The concept of heaven can be a source of comfort and hope for many. It is a place where we can envision all our worries and melting away, replaced by eternal peace and joy. In times of hardship, thinking about the promise of heaven can provide solace and reassurance. It reminds us that our current difficulties are temporary, while the rewards that await us in heaven are everlasting.

Furthermore, the idea of heaven helps us put our earthly pursuits into perspective. It reminds us that the things we chase after in this world, be it wealth, success, or popularity, are fleeting and ultimately unfulfilling. It prompts us to shift our focus towards something more meaningful and lasting, towards building a relationship with our Creator and seeking His will.

In conclusion, the hymn “Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings” beautifully captures the essence of our longing for heaven. It encourages us to rise above the transitory things of this world and fix our gaze on our ultimate destination. The hymn urges us to press onward towards our heavenly prize, where we will find everlasting peace and rest in God’s embrace. May the lyrics of this hymn inspire us to live with hope, joy, and a heavenly perspective.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty of longing for heaven and finding hope and peace in the hymn Rise, My Soul, And Stretch Thy Wings. Let your soul rise above earthly pursuits and find rest in God's embrace.


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