See, Jesus, Thy Disciples See – Hymn Lyric

Witness the power of Jesus Christ and the blessings that come from His presence. Embrace the promise of divine blessings as disciples of Christ. Experience His revelation

See, Jesus, Thy Disciples See – Hymn Lyric

“See, Jesus, Disciples See: Embracing the Promise of Divine Blessings” is a that expresses the anticipation and of Jesus’ followers. Through this hymn, we are reminded to seek Jesus’ presence, yearning for His revelation and desiring to encounter Him. As disciples, we trust in His sacrifice and believe in Him, eagerly expecting the blessings that come from His grace and love.


See, Jesus, Thy Disciples See – Hymn Lyric

See, Jesus, Thy disciples see,
The promised blessing give!
Met in Thy Name, we look to ,
Expecting, to receive.

Thee we expect, our faithful Lord,
Who in Thy Name are joined;
We wait, according to Thy Word,
Thee in the midst to find.

With us art assembled here,
But O Thyself reveal!
Son of the living God, appear!
Let us Thy presence feel.

Breathe on us, Lord, in this our day,
And these dry bones shall live;
Speak peace into our hearts, and say,
“The Holy Ghost receive!”

Whom now we seek, O may we meet!
Jesus, the Crucified,
Show us Thy bleeding hands and feet,
Thou Who for us hast died.

Cause us the record to receive,
Speak, and the tokens show;
“O be not faithless, but believe
In Me, Who died for you!”


Meaning of See, Jesus, Thy Disciples See


In this hymn, “See, Jesus, Thy Disciples See,” the songwriter invites us to the power of Jesus Christ and the blessings that come from being in His presence. As disciples of Christ, we eagerly anticipate receiving His promised blessings, looking to Him with faith and hope. This hymn calls upon Jesus to reveal Himself, breathe life into our spirits, and remind us of His sacrifice on the cross. Let us delve deeper into the meaning behind the lyrics to explore the significance of expecting, seeking, and believing in Jesus.

Verse 1: Expecting the Promised Blessing

The hymn starts with the image of Jesus’ disciples coming together, seeking the fulfillment of the promised blessing. As followers of Christ, we join them in looking to Jesus, acknowledging His authority and power. We eagerly anticipate receiving the blessings that flow from His grace and mercy. Just as the disciples expected to receive these blessings, we too approach Jesus with faith and hope, knowing that He is faithful to His promises.

Verse 2: Waiting on the Lord’s Revelation

The second verse reminds us that as disciples, we are gathered together with Jesus in His name. We long for His revelation and for His presence to be made known to us. We yearn for Jesus, the Son of the living God, to appear in our midst, transforming our lives and revealing Himself to us in powerful ways. The lyrics in this verse express our heartfelt to truly experience Jesus and His love.

Verse 3: Breathing Life into Dry Bones

The third verse depicts a powerful image of God breathing life into dry bones. It speaks to the revitalization and renewal of our spiritual lives. We beseech the Lord to breathe upon us, bringing life and vitality to our . It is through the Holy Spirit that our hearts are filled with peace and joy, enabling us to experience the abundant life that Christ offers. We long for His life-giving presence to revive us and bring about transformation in our lives.

Verse 4: Encountering Jesus, the Crucified

In the fourth verse, we cry out to Jesus, asking Him to reveal Himself to us as the crucified Savior. We long to see His hands and feet, reminders of His sacrifice on the cross. These reminders solidify our faith and help us to grasp the depth of His love for us. The image of Jesus’ wounded hands and feet stirs within us a remembrance of His redemptive act, motivating us to embrace His message of salvation.

Verse 5: Receiving the Record and Believing

The final verse encourages us to receive Jesus’ testimony, to listen to His words, and to believe in Him with an unwavering faith. We are reminded not to be faithless but to put our trust in Jesus, who died for us. Through our belief in Him, we find salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. This verse emphasizes the importance of faith in our relationship with Christ and reassures us that through belief, we can experience the transformative power of His love.


“See, Jesus, Thy Disciples See” is a hymn that captures the essence of discipleship and our longing for the presence of Christ in our lives. It speaks to our expectation of receiving God’s blessings, our eagerness to experience His revelation, and our yearning to encounter Jesus, the crucified Savior. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be revived, , and transformed. As disciples, we are called to embrace Jesus’ sacrifice and believe in Him wholeheartedly. Let us continue to seek His presence, trusting that He will fulfill His promises and us abundantly.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Witness the power of Jesus Christ and the blessings that come from His presence. Embrace the promise of divine blessings as disciples of Christ. Experience His revelation, breathe life into our spirits, and believe in His sacrifice.


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