Send Out The Sunlight of Cheer – Hymn Lyric

Spread love and happiness with "Send Out The Sunlight of Cheer." Discover the power within you to bring hope and joy to those in need. Be a beacon of light in a world that craves it.

Send Out The Sunlight of Cheer – Hymn Lyric

“Send Out The Sunlight of : Spreading and Happiness” is a that urges us to spread positivity and kindness in a filled with sadness. Through our words, actions, and smiles, we have the power to bring and joy to others. By embracing this message, we can make a significant impact and create a more compassionate world.


Send Out The Sunlight of Cheer – Hymn Lyric

Send out the sunlight, the sunlight of cheer,
Shine on earth’s sadness till it disappear—
Souls are in waiting this message to hear,
Send out the sunlight of love.

Send out the sunlight of love,
Send out the sunlight of love,
Send out the sunlight,
Send out the sunlight,
Send out the sunlight of love.

Send out the sunlight in letter and word,
Speak it and it till hearts are all stirred—
Hearts that are hungry for prayers still unheard,
Send out the sunlight of love.

Send out the sunlight each hour and each day,
Crown all the years with its luminous ray,
Nourish the that are sown on the way,
Send out the sunlight of love.

Send out the sunlight that speaks in a smile,
Often it shortens the long, weary mile,
Often the seems for a while,
Send out the sunlight of love.

Send out the sunlight, as free as the air!
Blessings will follow with none to compare.
Blessings of peace, that will from despair!
Send out the sunlight of love.

Send out the sunlight, you have it in you!
Clouds may obscure it just now from your view;
Pray for its presence! Your prayer will come true,
Send out the sunlight of love!


Meaning of Send Out The Sunlight of Cheer

Send Out The Sunlight of Cheer: Spreading Love and Happiness

In a world often clouded by sadness and despair, it is crucial to remind ourselves of the power we hold within us to bring hope and joy to those around us. This beautiful hymn, titled “Send Out The Sunlight of Cheer,” serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of spreading love and happiness in our lives. Through its uplifting lyrics, this hymn encourages us to be a beacon of light in a world that desperately needs it.

The hymn starts by urging us to “Send out the sunlight, the sunlight of cheer, Shine on earth’s sadness till it disappears.” These words remind us that our actions and words have the ability to brighten someone’s day and help them overcome their sadness. By reaching out to others with love and compassion, we can bring warmth and happiness into their lives.

The hymn continues, “Send out the sunlight in letter and word, Speak it and think it till hearts are all stirred.” This line emphasizes the importance of not only expressing our love and kindness through our words but also in our thoughts. When we consciously think and speak positive and encouraging words, we have the power to uplift those around us and inspire them to do the same.

“Hearts that are hungry for prayers still unheard, Send out the sunlight of love.” These poignant lyrics remind us of the vast number of people around us who may be silently struggling. By sending out the sunlight of love, we extend a helping hand and let them know that they are not alone. It is essential to be aware of the needs of others and offer our support whenever possible.

The hymn encourages us to “Send out the sunlight each hour and each day, Crown all the years with its luminous ray.” These words remind us that spreading love and positivity is not a one-time effort. It is a continuous process that should be part of our daily lives and ingrained in our hearts. By consistently sharing our light with others, we can make a significant impact on their lives and make each year brighter and more fulfilling.

We are reminded to send out the sunlight of love “that speaks in a smile.” A simple smile can go a long way in brightening someone’s day, even if it’s just for a moment. A genuine smile has the power to ease burdens and bring comfort to those who may be facing challenges. Let us never underestimate the power of a smile and the impact it can have on someone’s life.

The hymn acknowledges that clouds may sometimes obscure our ability to see and share the sunlight of love. It encourages us to pray for its presence and reminds us that our prayers will be answered. This line reminds us of the strength and resilience we possess within ourselves. Even when faced with difficulties, we can call upon our inner light to guide us and help us spread love and happiness to those who need it most.

As we reflect upon the hymn’s message, let us remember that spreading love and happiness is not just our duty – it is also a privilege. Each and every one of us has the power to make a difference in someone’s life. By sending out the sunlight of cheer, we have the ability to create a ripple effect, where one act of kindness inspires others to do the same.

In conclusion, “Send Out The Sunlight of Cheer” reminds us of our responsibility to spread love and happiness in a world that often needs it the most. Through our words, actions, and even a simple smile, we can bring warmth and hope to those around us. Let us never underestimate the power we hold within ourselves to be a source of light and joy for others. By embracing this hymn’s message, we can create a more compassionate and loving world, one beam of sunlight at a time.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread love and happiness with Send Out The Sunlight of Cheer. Discover the power within you to bring hope and joy to those in need. Be a beacon of light in a world that craves it.


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