Shall Hymns Of Grateful Love – Hymn Lyric
“Shall Hymns Of Grateful Love: Joining the Heavenly Chorus of Adoration and Love” The hymn calls on us, mortal beings, to join the angels in singing songs of triumph and gratitude to the Lord. It reminds us of the sacrifice made and the love that led us to God, urging us to spread the message of salvation with the world. The hymn encourages us to use various means, such as social media, personal relationships, and prayer, in order to share the joyful sound of grateful love.
Table of Contents
Shall Hymns Of Grateful Love – Hymn Lyric
Shall hymns of grateful love
Through Heav’n’s high arches ring,
And all the hosts above their songs of triumph sing;
And shall we not take up the strain,
And send the echo back again?
Shall they adore the Lord,
Who bought them with His blood,
And all the love record that led them home to God;
And shall not we take up the strain,
And send the echo back again?
O spread the joyful sound,
The Savior’s love proclaim,
And publish all around
Salvation through His Name;
Till all the world take up the strain,
And send the echo back again.
Meaning of Shall Hymns Of Grateful Love
Shall Hymns of Grateful Love: A Celebration of God’s Gift of Salvation
In the realm of Heaven, where angels dwell and sing praises to their Lord, hymns of grateful love resound through the high arches. Their melodic voices fill the celestial space, as they proclaim their adoration and gratitude to the One who reigns above. Should we not, as mortal beings, take up the strain and join in this heavenly chorus of thanksgiving?
The hymn speaks of the hosts of Heaven singing songs of triumph, rejoicing in the love and grace that has been bestowed upon them. They acknowledge the sacrifice made by their Lord, who bought them with His blood, redeeming them from sin and leading them home to God. The angels fervently adore their Savior and cherish the love that has brought them into the fold of salvation.
As believers on earth, should we not participate in this celebration of love and grace? The hymn invites us to join in the song, to take up the strain and send the echo back again. It is a call to action, a reminder that we too have received salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We are urged to spread the joyful sound, to proclaim the Savior’s love to all who will listen.
The hymn encourages us to publish salvation through His Name, to share the message of hope with the world around us. It is an invitation to embrace our role as ambassadors of Christ, to make known the good news of redemption and eternal life. The hymn suggests that our proclamation should be widespread, reaching every corner of the earth, until all the world takes up the strain and sends the echo back again.
In a world filled with darkness and despair, we have been given a light to illuminate the way. The hymn reminds us of the importance of sharing this light, of extending a helping hand to those who are in need of salvation. Our love for the Lord should translate into love for others, guiding them towards the source of hope and eternal life.
But how can we effectively spread the joyful sound and publish salvation to all? In today’s digital age, we have countless tools at our disposal. Through social media platforms, websites, and online communities, we can reach a wide audience with the message of God’s love and grace. We have the ability to share uplifting testimonies, encouraging words, and resources that can aid individuals in their spiritual journey.
Additionally, let us not underestimate the power of personal relationships and face-to-face encounters. Sometimes, the most impactful testimonies come from those who have witnessed the transformative power of God’s love in the lives of those they know personally. Sharing our own stories of redemption and inviting others to experience the same can have a profound impact on those who are searching for meaning and hope.
Furthermore, let us not forget the significance of prayer in our efforts to spread the joyful sound. As believers, we have access to the throne room of God, and our prayers can move mountains. Praying for the lost, interceding on behalf of those who are hurting, and seeking God’s guidance in our mission to publish salvation can bring about miraculous changes in the lives of individuals and communities.
In conclusion, “Shall Hymns of Grateful Love” invites us to join in the heavenly chorus of adoration and gratitude. It reminds us of the love and sacrifice that led us home to God and calls us to share this message of hope with the world. Whether through digital platforms, personal relationships, or the power of prayer, let us take up the strain and send the echo back again until all the world resounds with hymns of grateful love.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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