Shepherd Of Souls – Hymn Lyric
“Shepherd Of Souls: Nourishment for Our Journey” In this beautiful hymn titled “Shepherd Of Souls,” we are reminded of the role our Savior plays in nourishing and guiding us through life’s journey. Just as a shepherd cares for and tends to their flock, Jesus refreshes and blesses us, His chosen pilgrim flock. This hymn paints a vivid picture of how He provides for us, much like the manna in the wilderness and the water flowing from a rock.
Table of Contents
Shepherd Of Souls – Hymn Lyric
Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless
Thy chosen pilgrim flock
With manna in the wilderness,
With water from the rock.
We would not live by bread alone,
But by Thy Word of grace,
In strength of which we travel on
To our abiding place.
Be known to us in breaking bread,
But do not then depart;
Savior, abide with us, and spread
Thy table in our heart.
Lord, sup with us in love divine;
Thy body and Thy blood,
That living bread, that heav’nly wine,
Be our immortal food.
Meaning of Shepherd Of Souls
Shepherd Of Souls: Nourishment for Our Journey
In this beautiful hymn, titled “Shepherd Of Souls,” we are reminded of the role our Savior plays in nourishing and guiding us through life’s journey. Just as a shepherd cares for and tends to their flock, Jesus refreshes and blesses us, His chosen pilgrim flock. This hymn paints a vivid picture of how He provides for us, much like the manna in the wilderness and the water flowing from a rock.
The first verse of the hymn begins with the plea for the Shepherd of souls to refresh and bless us with His provision. The imagery of manna and water in the wilderness highlights the desperate situations we often find ourselves in. Just as the Israelites relied on God‘s sustenance in their wanderings, we too need His provision to sustain us on our journey.
However, the hymn also reminds us that our sustenance goes beyond physical nourishment. It states, “We would not live by bread alone, but by Thy Word of grace.” This line, inspired by Jesus’ own words, acknowledges that while physical food is necessary, our spiritual nourishment is even more vital. The Word of grace, which comes from Christ, gives us the strength we need to continue on our path toward our abiding place, our eternal destination.
As we move into the second verse, we explore the idea of communion with our Savior. The hymn speaks of the breaking of bread and the desire for Jesus to abide with us and spread His table in our hearts. This resonates with the sentiment of the Last Supper, where Jesus shared bread and wine with His disciples, symbolizing His body and blood.
The hymn beautifully expresses the longing for Jesus to not just draw near during communion but to remain with us. It states, “Savior, abide with us,” recognizing the deep desire for His constant presence in our lives. When we partake in communion, we invite Jesus to enter our hearts and commune with us in a profound and intimate union.
The final verse of the hymn focuses on the significance of communion as a source of spiritual nourishment. It invites the Lord to sup with us in divine love, emphasizing the transformative power of partaking in His body and blood. The metaphorical language of “living bread” and “heavenly wine” reinforces the belief that through communion, we experience the very essence of Christ, which becomes our immortal food.
By participating in the sacrament of communion, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us and, in turn, receive His life-giving sustenance. Just as physical bread provides nourishment and strength to our bodies, the spiritual nourishment we receive through communion nourishes our souls and helps us grow in our faith.
In conclusion, “Shepherd Of Souls” encapsulates the themes of provision, communion, and nourishment that are essential to our spiritual journey. It reminds us that just as a shepherd cares for their flock, Jesus refreshes and blesses us, His chosen pilgrim flock. Through His Word of grace and the sacrament of communion, we find the sustenance and strength we need to continue on our path toward our eternal abiding place.
May we always seek the Shepherd of Souls and allow Him to nourish us with His grace, love, and presence. Let us cherish the opportunity to commune with Him, knowing that in partaking of His body and blood, we receive the nourishment that sustains us both now and for eternity. As we sing this hymn, may its words resonate in our hearts and remind us of the depth of our relationship with our loving Savior, the Shepherd of Souls.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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