Since The Love Of God Has Shed Priceless Blessings on My Head – Hymn Lyric

Since the Love of God Has Shed Priceless Blessings on My Head - Experience the transformative power of God's love and learn to share it with others. Discover the eternal flame of joy

Since The Love Of God Has Shed Priceless Blessings on My Head – Hymn Lyric

“Since The Love of God Has Shed Priceless Blessings on My Head” is a hymn that reminds us of the love we receive and the importance of cherishing and sharing it. This love is a constant presence in our lives, guiding us to reflect kindness and towards others. No matter the circumstances, God’s love remains unchanging and everlasting, illuminating our lives with warmth and light.


Since The Love Of God Has Shed Priceless Blessings on My Head – Hymn Lyric

Since the love of God has shed
Priceless blessings on my head,
I have made it my own;
I will hide it in my heart
That it never may depart,
It shall rule there alone.

The love of God within the heart
Will kindliness and warmth impart;
The soul will glow like in His tender mercy,
If the heart is made His dwelling place;
The love of God glows like a flame,
Through endless years it is the same;
The love of God will never fail nor lose its glory
Till we see Him face to face.

Since the of God came down
With His love our lives to crown,
He with us would remain;
Greater love there could not be,
Jesus died for you and me,
In our hearts, He would reign.

He who gave His love to me
That I might from sin be free
Bids me share it today;
“As I love you,” He has said,
“You must serve men in My stead
As you go on your .”

While His love burns true and bright,
We are walking in the light,
He has shown us the road;
We His glory must reflect,
Lest our dimness and neglect
Keep some soul from its God.


Meaning of Since The Love Of God Has Shed Priceless Blessings on My Head

Since the Love of God Has Shed Priceless Blessings on My Head

The hymn “Since the Love of God Has Shed” beautifully captures the essence of the divine love that has been bestowed upon us. It reminds us of the power and warmth that this love brings into our lives. This hymn teaches us not only to cherish this love within our hearts but also to share it with others.

Throughout our lives, we experience countless blessings from God. These blessings, whether big or small, are like priceless treasures that enrich our lives and fill us with gratitude. It is important for us to recognize and appreciate these blessings. They are reminders of God’s love and his constant presence in our lives.

The hymn encourages us to make this love our own and to hide it in our hearts. By doing so, we ensure that it will never depart from us. This love is meant to rule over us, guiding our actions and shaping our character. When we allow the love of God to dwell within us, it transforms us from within. It fills us with kindness, warmth, and compassion towards others.

Just as Jesus showed us kindness and mercy, we too should learn to reflect his love in our interactions with others. By making our hearts a dwelling place for God’s love, we are able to glow with the same tenderness and compassion that Jesus exemplified. Our souls become a radiant light that shines brightly, drawing others towards the love of God.

The hymn reminds us that the love of God is unchanging and everlasting. It is a flame that burns eternally, bringing warmth and light to our lives. This love will never fail us or lose its glory. It is a constant source of comfort, strength, and guidance. No matter the circumstances or challenges we face, the love of God remains steadfast and true.

When the Son of God came down to , he brought with him a love that surpasses anything we could ever comprehend. This love was so great that Jesus willingly sacrificed himself on the for our sake. He paid the price for our sins so that we could be set free. His love knows no bounds and extends to each and every one of us.

With this incredible love residing in our hearts, we are called to share it with others. Jesus commands us to love one another just as he has loved us. We are to serve others as a reflection of the love that has been shown to us. By selflessly serving those around us, we become vessels of God’s love in the .

While walking in the light of God’s love, we are called to reflect his glory. Our lives should be a testimony to the transformative power of his love. Through our words and actions, we should strive to lead others to God and help them experience his love for themselves. Our own shortcomings and neglect should not overshadow the light that God has placed within us.

Each individual has the opportunity to encounter God’s love through our interactions with them. We have the ability to bring , healing, and comfort to those who are hurting. By embodying the love of God, we are able to make a difference in the lives of others. We should never underestimate the impact that a kind word, a helping , or a compassionate gesture can have on someone’s life.

It is our responsibility to ensure that no soul is kept from experiencing the love of God. We must be aware of our actions and constantly strive to reflect the true nature of God’s love. Our love should be genuine, selfless, and unconditional. It should be a beacon of hope in a world that is often filled with darkness and despair.

In conclusion, the hymn “Since the Love of God Has Shed” illuminates the significance of the divine love that has been bestowed upon us. It encourages us to treasure this love in our hearts and to share it with others. The love of God is a flame that burns eternally, bringing kindness, warmth, and mercy to our lives. May we always strive to reflect this love in our words and actions, guiding others towards the transformative power of God’s unconditional love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Since the Love of God Has Shed Priceless Blessings on My Head - Experience the transformative power of God's love and learn to share it with others. Discover the eternal flame of joy, kindness, and warmth that resides within your heart. Let God's love guide your actions and bring light to the world.


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