Sing Of Salvation Oh It Was Love – Hymn Lyric
“Sing of Salvation, Oh It Was Love” is a beautiful hymn that celebrates the incredible love and compassion of God in bringing the Savior down to save us. Through the gift of salvation, we are lifted up to the throne of grace and filled with heavenly thrills. This powerful message reminds us to rejoice in the fullness and completeness of salvation, and to give thanks for the never-ending stream of grace and mercy that flows into our souls.
Table of Contents
Sing Of Salvation Oh It Was Love – Hymn Lyric
Sing of salvation, oh, it was love
Bro’t the dear Savior down from above;
Oh, what compassion Heaven has shown,
Lifting the sinner up to the throne.
Sing of salvation full and complete,
Sing of salvation all the day long;
Sing in the Spirit’s harmony sweet
Blessed salvation, heavenly song.
Sing of salvation, oh, how it fills
Purified hearts with heavenly thrills;
Happy in Jesus, resting in him,
Sweetly his kingdom reigning within. [Refrain]
Sing of salvation, worthy the Lamb,
Fully redeemed in Jesus I am;
Filled with his glory, pure in his blood,
Glory to Jesus, glory to God. [Refrain]
Sing of salvation, wonderful theme,
See from the throne a heavenly stream;
Oh, it is flowing deep in my soul,
Flashing with glory as it doth roll. [Refrain]
Meaning of Sing Of Salvation Oh It Was Love
Have you ever heard the beautiful hymn “Sing of Salvation, Oh It Was Love”? It’s a joyful song that celebrates the incredible love and compassion that Heaven has shown to us through the gift of salvation. Let’s take a closer look at the powerful message behind this hymn.
The hymn begins by inviting us to sing of salvation and reflect on the love that brought the Savior down from above. Isn’t it amazing to think about the lengths that God went to in order to save us? His love is so deep and unconditional, and it is through this love that we are lifted up to the throne of grace. It’s a comforting thought to know that no matter what we’ve done, we can always find forgiveness and redemption in God’s love.
As we continue to sing of salvation, we are reminded of the fullness and completeness of this gift. Salvation is not just a one-time event, but a daily reality that we can rejoice in. We can experience the sweet harmony of the Spirit as we bask in the blessings of salvation. It’s like a never-ending song that fills our hearts with joy and gratitude.
One of the most wonderful aspects of salvation is how it transforms our hearts and fills us with heavenly thrills. When we accept Jesus into our lives, we can experience true happiness and rest in his love. His kingdom becomes a reality within us, and we can live each day knowing that we are deeply loved and cherished by our Savior.
In each verse of the hymn, we are encouraged to sing of salvation and give glory to the Lamb who redeemed us. Through his sacrifice, we are made pure and whole in his blood. What an incredible gift to be able to stand before God, fully redeemed and filled with his glory. Let’s never forget to give thanks and praise to Jesus for all that he has done for us.
The hymn also paints a beautiful picture of salvation as a wonderful theme that flows like a heavenly stream. This stream of grace and mercy is constantly flowing into our souls, filling us with glory and joy. It’s a powerful image that reminds us of the abundance of God’s love and the constant presence of his grace in our lives.
As we reflect on the words of this hymn, let’s take a moment to appreciate the incredible gift of salvation that we have been given. Let’s allow the love and compassion of God to fill our hearts and transform our lives. And let’s never stop singing of salvation and giving thanks for the amazing grace that has been extended to us.
So, let’s lift our voices and sing of salvation, for oh, it was love that brought our Savior down from above. Let’s rejoice in the fullness and completeness of this gift, and let’s allow the Spirit to harmonize within us as we celebrate the sweet blessings of salvation. And above all, let’s give glory to Jesus and to God for their unwavering love and grace towards us. Sing of salvation, for it truly is a heavenly song that fills our souls with joy and gratitude.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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