Sing To The Lord A New Song Sing – Hymn Lyric
Sing to the Lord, a new song! These words fill our hearts with joy and gratitude as we praise our great and mighty God. The hymn reminds us of the importance of worship and giving honor to the name of the Lord. Let us dive deeper into the verses and explore the wonderful message they convey.
Table of Contents
Sing To The Lord A New Song Sing – Hymn Lyric
Sing to the Lord, a new-song; sing
All th’ earth the Lord unto.
Sing to Jehovah, bless his name,
Still his salvation show.
His glory to the heathen folk,
To all his wonders spread.
For great’s the Lord, much to be prais’d
About all gods in dread.
Because vain idols are they all,
Which heathen gods do name.,
But for Jehovah, he it is
That did the heavens frame.
Honour and comely majesty
Abide before his face:
Both fortitude and beauty are
Within his holy place.
Ye kindreds of the people a;l,
Unto the Lord afford;
Both majesty and mightiness
Give ye unto the Lord.
The glory to Jehovah give
That to his name is due;
And bringing an oblation,
Into his courts”come you.
In beauty of his holiness,
Do ye the Lord adore;
The universal earth likewise
In fear stand him before.
‘Mong heathens say, Jehovah reigns,
The world shall stablish’d be,
It shall not move: in righteousness
The people judge shall he.
O let the heav’ns hereat be glad,
And let the earth rejoyce:
Let seas and fulness of the same,
With roaring make a noise.
O let the field be full of joy.
And ev’ry thing therein,
Then all the trees within the wood
Rejoycingly shall sing.
Before Jehovah, for he comes,
To judge the earth comes he:
The world with justce, and the folk
To judge with equity.
Meaning of Sing To The Lord A New Song Sing
Sing to the Lord, a new song! These words fill our hearts with joy and gratitude as we praise our great and mighty God. The hymn reminds us of the importance of worship and giving honor to the name of the Lord. Let us dive deeper into the verses and explore the wonderful message they convey.
The hymn begins by calling us to sing a new song to the Lord. This signifies a fresh outpouring of praise and worship, a melody that resonates with our own unique experiences and expressions of gratitude. It is a reminder that our worship should never become stagnant or routine, but should always be infused with a spirit of freshness and renewal.
“All th’ earth the Lord unto. Sing to Jehovah, bless his name, Still his salvation show.” These lines emphasize the universal call to worship. It is not just for a select few, but for all the earth to lift their voices together in praise. We are encouraged to bless His name and proclaim His salvation, to share with others the good news of God’s love and grace.
The hymn goes on to exclaim, “For great’s the Lord, much to be prais’d, About all gods in dread.” Here, we are reminded of the greatness and superiority of our God. He is above all other gods in power and majesty. It is our duty to praise Him, for He alone is worthy of our worship and adoration.
The following lines shed light on the emptiness and futility of idols worshipped by other nations. “Because vain idols are they all, Which heathen gods do name.” These words remind us that placing our trust and devotion in anything other than the one true God is in vain. It is only through God’s hand that the heavens were formed, and it is He alone who deserves our worship.
As we continue to sing, the hymn emphasizes the beauty and holiness that reside within the presence of God. “In beauty of his holiness, Do ye the Lord adore; The universal earth likewise In fear stand him before.” These verses speak of the awe and reverence we should have in approaching the Lord, recognizing His holy and sacred nature. It is through this reverence and adoration that we can truly experience His presence in our lives.
The hymn also calls upon the people of different nations and tribes to give honor and mightiness to the Lord. “Ye kindreds of the people all, Unto the Lord afford; Both majesty and mightiness Give ye unto the Lord.” This highlights the inclusive nature of worship, as people from all walks of life are invited to offer their praises and honor to God. It is a reminder that His love and salvation are not limited to any specific group, but are available to all.
The hymn concludes with a proclamation of God’s sovereignty and righteousness. “Before Jehovah, for he comes, To judge the earth comes he: The world with justice, and the folk To judge with equity.” These last lines remind us that God is not only a loving and merciful God, but also a just and righteous judge. We can find comfort and hope in knowing that He will ultimately bring justice to the world. His judgments are fair and impartial, ensuring that everyone receives their due.
In conclusion, this hymn encapsulates the essence of worship and praise, calling us to sing a new song to the Lord. It reminds us of His greatness, the emptiness of idols, and the beauty of His holiness. It emphasizes the inclusivity of worship, inviting people from all nations and tribes to honor and give praise. And finally, it reassures us of God’s righteousness and justice.
Let us therefore join our voices with the multitude of believers, singing to the Lord a new song. May our worship be filled with reverence, gratitude, and joy as we proclaim the goodness and greatness of our God. Sing to the Lord a new song and experience the transformation that arises from giving honor and praise to His holy name.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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