Sinners Jesus Will Receive – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unconditional love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Find hope and redemption in "Sinners Jesus Will Receive." Embrace His grace and share His message of comfort and forgiveness with others.

Sinners Jesus Will Receive – Hymn Lyric

“Sinners Jesus Will Receive” is a that offers comfort and to those who feel lost and burdened by their sins. The repetitive nature of the chorus emphasizes the inclusive message that Christ welcomes all sinners with open arms. Through His grace and unconditional love, there is always hope for and renewal, regardless of our past mistakes.


Sinners Jesus Will Receive – Hymn Lyric

Sinners Jesus will receive:
Sound this word of grace to all
Who the pathway leave,
All who linger, all who fall.

Sing it o’er and o’er again:
Christ receiveth sinful men,
Make the message clear and plain:
Christ receiveth sinful men.

and He will give you rest;
Trust Him for His word is plain;
He will take the sinfulest;
Christ receiveth sinful men.


Now my heart condemns me not,
Pure before the law I stand;
He who cleansed me from all spot
its last demand.


Christ receiveth sinful men,
Even me with all my sin;
Purged from every spot and stain,
Heaven with Him I enter in.


Meaning of Sinners Jesus Will Receive

Sinners Jesus Will Receive: Finding Comfort and Forgiveness in Christ’s Unconditional Love

In our through life, we often find ourselves grappling with doubts, fears, and mistakes. It can be easy to feel lost and unworthy, burdened by the weight of our sins. However, we must remember that no matter the depth of our , there is always hope and redemption in Jesus Christ. The hymn “Sinners Jesus Will Receive” beautifully encapsulates this message of grace, offering comfort to all who may feel unworthy or burdened.

As the hymn begins, we are reminded that Jesus welcomes sinners with open arms. Regardless of the heavenly path we may have strayed from or the mistakes we have made, His grace is available to all. This message is a source of hope for those who have wandered off the righteous path or fallen into temptation. We are encouraged to sound this word of grace to others, so that they too may find solace in Christ’s unconditional love.

The chorus of the hymn emphasizes the repetitive nature of this message. We are urged to sing it over and over again, reminding ourselves of the truth that Christ receives sinful men. The simplicity of the language used here is very intentional, ensuring that even those with limited literacy or understanding can grasp its meaning. The hymn encourages us to make the message clear and plain, so that everyone can understand and find their way to forgiveness.

One of the most powerful verses in the hymn speaks directly to those who may feel burdened by their sins, promising rest in Jesus. We are called to trust in His word, for it is plain and uncomplicated. Even the “sinfulest” among us can find solace in His embrace. This verse highlights the inclusive nature of God’s love and forgiveness. Regardless of the depth of our sins, there is always room for redemption and renewal.

The hymn goes on to acknowledge that through Christ, we can stand pure before the law. His cleansing power removes all spots and stains from our souls, satisfying the last demand of the law. This verse is a gentle reminder that it is through Jesus’ sacrifice and His forgiveness that we find release from condemnation. Our sins don’t define us; it is His grace that declares us righteous.

In the final verse, we are assured that Jesus will receive even the most sinful of men, including ourselves. None of us are exempt from the need for forgiveness. We can trust that through His love and mercy, we can be purged of every spot and stain. The hymn paints a picture of a restored relationship with God, where we can enter into heaven with Him, unburdened by our past mistakes.

In conclusion, the hymn “Sinners Jesus Will Receive” reminds us that no matter our sins or shortcomings, we are welcome in the arms of Christ. His love knows no boundaries, and His forgiveness is boundless. Through the repetition of the chorus, the hymn ensures that this message is accessible to all, regardless of literacy level. It bolsters our , assuring us that His grace is available to everyone who seeks it. May we take comfort in these words and share this hymn with others, so that they too may find solace in Christ’s unconditional love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unconditional love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Find hope and redemption in Sinners Jesus Will Receive. Embrace His grace and share His message of comfort and forgiveness with others.


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